Quote by Mahatma Gandhi.
Over the weekend I went to a hockey game with D, his brothers, and his brother’s wife, Trish. The last time I saw her we were at her house for her son’s birthday party. She is the type of person who definitely will not go out of her way to talk to you, so if you want to have a conversation with her you have to initiate it and try extremely hard to keep it going. So when we were at their house for the party, I tried to start a conversation with her about three times (which all fizzled out) and decided to stop trying at all. I don’t like wasting my time on people who feel like they should get extra special treatment for whatever reason. This time, I decided to see if she would initiate any kind of conversation.
Trish didn’t say one word to me the entire time and she never even looked at me. It was like I didn’t exist.
It was the most uncomfortable seven hours I have ever spent with a group of people. After the game, we went to D’s friend Ian’s house. Over the course of the evening, she talked to D, Jason (her husband), Shaun (her other brother-in-law), Ray (a friend of Jason’s we met at the game), Ian, and Ian’s son. In other words, everyone we came into contact with except me. It made me feel awesome.
I’m sort of surprised I’m still pretty bothered by the whole thing. D doesn’t think it’s a big deal because “that’s just how she is,” but I’m not used to people being that rude to me. I’m sure I could be “the bigger person” in this case but how hard am I supposed to try? I honestly don’t want to put myself in a social situation with her unless I absolutely have to, but that will sometimes mean choosing to be away from D when I could just as easily choose to be with him. Besides enlisting my friends to come with me to everything, I can’t really think of how to make this better. Maybe one day I’ll grow a pair and tell her what I think of her. Because that will go over great…
This is funny: Jason was drunk almost the entire time and at one point he lifted up his shirt for no reason, and then reached over as though he was going to lift up mine with a look on his face that can best be described as “impish.” After that, he made a comment about the time I took a picture of him holding a big fish he caught, but the way he said it made it sound like a synonym for his penis. Finally, when we got out of the car at Shaun’s house at the end of the night, he put his arm around me and said he wished he was going home with D and I. So looking back, maybe Trish doesn’t like me a whole lot because her husband does.
First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win
Monday, October 20, 2008
Quote by Matt Groening.
First I would like to thank Lauryn for my beautiful new blog layout. Yay for creative friends!
I had an interesting experience over the weekend. My mom wanted me to go with her to her cousin's son's confirmation service and the reception afterward. She said my brother and my dad were both unable to go and she didn't want to go alone. I understood, and though I didn't really want to, I decided that I would go. It took me an hour to get to the church, where I spent an hour and a half smashed into a pew next to a woman who wouldn't stop putting her arm around me every time she talked to my mom, and a little girl sitting on Touchy's lap who kept slamming the kneeler up and down and kicking me. I was practically climbing onto my mom's lap to get away from Touchy and Kicky.
Then came the reception. The food was pretty good, but guess what? We were at Touchy's table! Everyone I talked to asked me what I was going to school for (because they'll definitely remember what I said when they see me again five years from now) and I was pretty much just answering questions without elaborating at all. My mom's aunt introduced her step-grandchildren and after they had gone out of earshot said she did that because they call her their step-grandma, even though her son and his wife have been together for 12 years. She made it clear that she was bothered by it and very concerned about the whole state of affairs but then played the martyr card because she "just doesn't want to cross any boundaries."
My mom's cousin Jan sat down with us and literally the second thing out of her mouth was, "So Lindsey, how's your love life?" I said, "Wow..." and looked at my mom because a) I never talk to this woman and b) I think that's a personal question and none of her business. If I had any kind of relationship with her it would be one thing, but I definitely don't. And I probably would have started crying if that comment was made at the end of February, when I had just broken up with my ex-boyfriend. So way to be sensitive and care that that might not be something I want to talk about. In any event, I think there's a more tactful way to ask that question because her tone of voice indicated to me that she just wanted to get the dirt. After a very long pause, my mom decided to answer for me which actually worked out great! I didn't have to say anything and they got a ridiculously small amount of information. At the same time, I wanted to turn the question around on her. "Jan, I know you've been divorced for years and you haven't had a successful relationship since then, but how's your love life? Having any good sex? No?"
However, something hilarious happened at Jan's daughter's graduation party over the summer. My brother and I didn't go. My mom's aunt (Jan's mom aka step-grandma from before) and my dad had a conversation that went like this:
Aunt: How's everything going with Austin and Lindsey?
Dad: They're doing good.
Aunt: Does Austin have a girlfriend?
Dad: Yes he does, her name is Shannon.
Aunt: How about Lindsey?
--- Now, my dad hates those empty conversations as much as me, but usually handles them better. Also, he's very conservative so that's why this next statement is so funny. ---
Dad: Yep, she has a girlfriend too.
Apparently, my mom's aunt about swallowed her tounge and just mumbled something and walked away. Hilarious. So take that, nosy people!
Anyway, when I related this whole story to D, all he said was, "But babe, what are people supposed to talk to you about?" I didn't really have a good answer for that one, but what I'm choosing to take from this whole experience is this: I will always strive to have meaningful conversations with people and really try to find out about who they are. I will not have empty, meaningless conversations that I will forget about immediately after I walk away from them.
First I would like to thank Lauryn for my beautiful new blog layout. Yay for creative friends!
I had an interesting experience over the weekend. My mom wanted me to go with her to her cousin's son's confirmation service and the reception afterward. She said my brother and my dad were both unable to go and she didn't want to go alone. I understood, and though I didn't really want to, I decided that I would go. It took me an hour to get to the church, where I spent an hour and a half smashed into a pew next to a woman who wouldn't stop putting her arm around me every time she talked to my mom, and a little girl sitting on Touchy's lap who kept slamming the kneeler up and down and kicking me. I was practically climbing onto my mom's lap to get away from Touchy and Kicky.
Then came the reception. The food was pretty good, but guess what? We were at Touchy's table! Everyone I talked to asked me what I was going to school for (because they'll definitely remember what I said when they see me again five years from now) and I was pretty much just answering questions without elaborating at all. My mom's aunt introduced her step-grandchildren and after they had gone out of earshot said she did that because they call her their step-grandma, even though her son and his wife have been together for 12 years. She made it clear that she was bothered by it and very concerned about the whole state of affairs but then played the martyr card because she "just doesn't want to cross any boundaries."
My mom's cousin Jan sat down with us and literally the second thing out of her mouth was, "So Lindsey, how's your love life?" I said, "Wow..." and looked at my mom because a) I never talk to this woman and b) I think that's a personal question and none of her business. If I had any kind of relationship with her it would be one thing, but I definitely don't. And I probably would have started crying if that comment was made at the end of February, when I had just broken up with my ex-boyfriend. So way to be sensitive and care that that might not be something I want to talk about. In any event, I think there's a more tactful way to ask that question because her tone of voice indicated to me that she just wanted to get the dirt. After a very long pause, my mom decided to answer for me which actually worked out great! I didn't have to say anything and they got a ridiculously small amount of information. At the same time, I wanted to turn the question around on her. "Jan, I know you've been divorced for years and you haven't had a successful relationship since then, but how's your love life? Having any good sex? No?"
However, something hilarious happened at Jan's daughter's graduation party over the summer. My brother and I didn't go. My mom's aunt (Jan's mom aka step-grandma from before) and my dad had a conversation that went like this:
Aunt: How's everything going with Austin and Lindsey?
Dad: They're doing good.
Aunt: Does Austin have a girlfriend?
Dad: Yes he does, her name is Shannon.
Aunt: How about Lindsey?
--- Now, my dad hates those empty conversations as much as me, but usually handles them better. Also, he's very conservative so that's why this next statement is so funny. ---
Dad: Yep, she has a girlfriend too.
Apparently, my mom's aunt about swallowed her tounge and just mumbled something and walked away. Hilarious. So take that, nosy people!
Anyway, when I related this whole story to D, all he said was, "But babe, what are people supposed to talk to you about?" I didn't really have a good answer for that one, but what I'm choosing to take from this whole experience is this: I will always strive to have meaningful conversations with people and really try to find out about who they are. I will not have empty, meaningless conversations that I will forget about immediately after I walk away from them.
Quote by Confucius.
I just spent the last couple hours overhauling my resume in preparation for my future job. I graduate at the end of April (less than seven months)! Part of me is looking forward to getting a "real job," but part of me is dreading it. I know it's because I don't know what it will be like, but I really want to find work I love. I know that might not happen with my first job, and that's making me a little apprehensive and not excited about starting this whole process. At the same time, I'm lucky to have a lot of help from friends and family. I've also been lucky to have opportunities in school that most people don't.
So once again, and I know I've said this before, I am caught in a weird limbo between school and career and it's driving me crazy! I have senioritis but the idea of getting a job makes me want to stay in school for six more years. I can't wait to be done with classes but I know how to manage classes and a part time job... I really want to find something I love that will be a great transition from what my life is like now. Where is that job? Can I have it?
I just spent the last couple hours overhauling my resume in preparation for my future job. I graduate at the end of April (less than seven months)! Part of me is looking forward to getting a "real job," but part of me is dreading it. I know it's because I don't know what it will be like, but I really want to find work I love. I know that might not happen with my first job, and that's making me a little apprehensive and not excited about starting this whole process. At the same time, I'm lucky to have a lot of help from friends and family. I've also been lucky to have opportunities in school that most people don't.
So once again, and I know I've said this before, I am caught in a weird limbo between school and career and it's driving me crazy! I have senioritis but the idea of getting a job makes me want to stay in school for six more years. I can't wait to be done with classes but I know how to manage classes and a part time job... I really want to find something I love that will be a great transition from what my life is like now. Where is that job? Can I have it?
Quote by Bo Jackson.

I played some backyard football with D and his family on Sunday. It was just two-hand touch, but 1) I have never played football of any kind before and 2) I take competitive things way too seriously. Not that I get mad if I lose, but if I don't do my absolute best I get cranky. See the picture of Roy Williams up there? That's how I felt when I caught my first pass. I was so excited but today (two days later) I can't really put much weight on my right foot and it hurts to sneeze/twist/stand up/lay down/move.
I'm obviously out of shape. I went out to dinner with D and my parents yesterday and they were all mercilessly making fun of me. D said I should play some more so I wouldn't be sore and that if I really was good at football I would have caught the ball and kept running like he does when he catches the ball. My dad asked me what I was thinking when I decided to actually do physical activity. My mom asked, "Who are you and what have you done with Lindsey?" So I clearly have a reputation for being traditionally opposed to exercise... Hmm... Maybe I should think about changing that or at least get my body to the point where running (and falling) around the yard for a half hour doesn't make me feel like I got hit by a truck. Time to break out the workout tapes!

I played some backyard football with D and his family on Sunday. It was just two-hand touch, but 1) I have never played football of any kind before and 2) I take competitive things way too seriously. Not that I get mad if I lose, but if I don't do my absolute best I get cranky. See the picture of Roy Williams up there? That's how I felt when I caught my first pass. I was so excited but today (two days later) I can't really put much weight on my right foot and it hurts to sneeze/twist/stand up/lay down/move.
I'm obviously out of shape. I went out to dinner with D and my parents yesterday and they were all mercilessly making fun of me. D said I should play some more so I wouldn't be sore and that if I really was good at football I would have caught the ball and kept running like he does when he catches the ball. My dad asked me what I was thinking when I decided to actually do physical activity. My mom asked, "Who are you and what have you done with Lindsey?" So I clearly have a reputation for being traditionally opposed to exercise... Hmm... Maybe I should think about changing that or at least get my body to the point where running (and falling) around the yard for a half hour doesn't make me feel like I got hit by a truck. Time to break out the workout tapes!
Quote by Johnny Depp.
I was tagged by Miss Lauryn to tell seven things about me that are weird. Here I go.
1) I'm part Manx. Like the cat, hahaha. Actually, my maternal grandpa's dad was originally from the Isle of Man, a tiny island between England and Ireland in the Irish Sea. It's basically part of the UK but not officially so lo and behold I have weird ancestry!
2) I cannot stand the sound of whipped cream out of a can. It seriously makes me gag. I can barely tolerate eating Cool Whip because it's a little denser but the fluffy food-but-not-food texture of ReddiWip is nauseating. In my opinion, this all goes back to when I was a child and my dad used to chase me with his shaving cream. I really don't know why I hated it so much, but even that foamy soap sort of grosses me out too... Anyway, I really don't like the way any of those kind of things feel in my hands so I definitely will never put any of it in my mouth.
3) I read The Chronicles of Narnia a ton when I was a kid. My dad's sister gave me a set of the books and my mom read them to me when I was probably about four. Then we read them together. Then I read them by myself. More than once. To this day, I love the feeling I get whenever I hear any part of one of the books or see one of the movies. C. S. Lewis is one of the most talented and imaginative authors I've ever read. I'm so glad his books were part of my childhood.
4) I adore bed-related things to the point that for quite a few years in a row, my mom would give me some sort of bedding item for Christmas and my birthday. I've had fish bedding, purple bedding, blue flannel horse bedding, satin bedding, green impressionist-style bedding, blue bedding, brown basket-weave bedding, very colorful bedding, green flannel bedding, and bedding that feels like a t-shirt. Don't get me started on my pillows. I want more of all of it. As a matter of fact, I recently spent way too much on a new mattress because it feels like I'm sleeping on a cloud. *Sigh*
5) I do not like Cheez-It crackers, Goldfish crackers, Doritos, or any other fake-cheese flavored snack. My boyfriend's brother Jason thinks I'm the weirdest person on the planet for not thinking they're delicious. I also don't like the way they smell.
6) When I was little my mom and another mom down the street (Pam) would always have us kids play together. It was me, my brother, and Pam's two girls who are close to our age. We were obsessed with watching Peter Pan. What's so weird about watching a Disney movie you ask? Well, we didn't watch the cartoon Disney movie. We watched the musical version complete with Mary Martin. We loved it. So Pam made us costumes! I was Wendy, Jessica (who is my age) was Peter Pan, Allison (a year younger than me) was Tiger Lily and I don't remember who my brother was. He may not have had a costume because he was pretty young. At any rate, we would watch the musical, then spend hours reenacting every scene. What memories!
7) My feet and my dad's feet are exactly the same shape. According to my mom, so are our eyeballs. No, not the shape of our eyes where the lids are, but our literal eyeballs. My dad and I have lots of stuff in common which is not really weird but having body parts that are seriously exactly the same shape kind of is... This one's not as good as the others but seven weird things are hard to come up with!
To any lurkers who may be reading this post but not commenting: Try coming up with seven weird things to post on your blog then comment on mine so I can see what you wrote!
I was tagged by Miss Lauryn to tell seven things about me that are weird. Here I go.
1) I'm part Manx. Like the cat, hahaha. Actually, my maternal grandpa's dad was originally from the Isle of Man, a tiny island between England and Ireland in the Irish Sea. It's basically part of the UK but not officially so lo and behold I have weird ancestry!
2) I cannot stand the sound of whipped cream out of a can. It seriously makes me gag. I can barely tolerate eating Cool Whip because it's a little denser but the fluffy food-but-not-food texture of ReddiWip is nauseating. In my opinion, this all goes back to when I was a child and my dad used to chase me with his shaving cream. I really don't know why I hated it so much, but even that foamy soap sort of grosses me out too... Anyway, I really don't like the way any of those kind of things feel in my hands so I definitely will never put any of it in my mouth.
3) I read The Chronicles of Narnia a ton when I was a kid. My dad's sister gave me a set of the books and my mom read them to me when I was probably about four. Then we read them together. Then I read them by myself. More than once. To this day, I love the feeling I get whenever I hear any part of one of the books or see one of the movies. C. S. Lewis is one of the most talented and imaginative authors I've ever read. I'm so glad his books were part of my childhood.
4) I adore bed-related things to the point that for quite a few years in a row, my mom would give me some sort of bedding item for Christmas and my birthday. I've had fish bedding, purple bedding, blue flannel horse bedding, satin bedding, green impressionist-style bedding, blue bedding, brown basket-weave bedding, very colorful bedding, green flannel bedding, and bedding that feels like a t-shirt. Don't get me started on my pillows. I want more of all of it. As a matter of fact, I recently spent way too much on a new mattress because it feels like I'm sleeping on a cloud. *Sigh*
5) I do not like Cheez-It crackers, Goldfish crackers, Doritos, or any other fake-cheese flavored snack. My boyfriend's brother Jason thinks I'm the weirdest person on the planet for not thinking they're delicious. I also don't like the way they smell.
6) When I was little my mom and another mom down the street (Pam) would always have us kids play together. It was me, my brother, and Pam's two girls who are close to our age. We were obsessed with watching Peter Pan. What's so weird about watching a Disney movie you ask? Well, we didn't watch the cartoon Disney movie. We watched the musical version complete with Mary Martin. We loved it. So Pam made us costumes! I was Wendy, Jessica (who is my age) was Peter Pan, Allison (a year younger than me) was Tiger Lily and I don't remember who my brother was. He may not have had a costume because he was pretty young. At any rate, we would watch the musical, then spend hours reenacting every scene. What memories!
7) My feet and my dad's feet are exactly the same shape. According to my mom, so are our eyeballs. No, not the shape of our eyes where the lids are, but our literal eyeballs. My dad and I have lots of stuff in common which is not really weird but having body parts that are seriously exactly the same shape kind of is... This one's not as good as the others but seven weird things are hard to come up with!
To any lurkers who may be reading this post but not commenting: Try coming up with seven weird things to post on your blog then comment on mine so I can see what you wrote!
Quote by William Morris.
I've reached that point in "healing" from a past relationship where certain items have lost their sentimental value. I have a little book where I glued all our ticket stubs, programs... Basically anything made out of paper that represented some memory. I was with my ex-boyfriend for three years, so there were quite a few things that made it into the book. I haven't done so yet, but I feel like I could throw it away and not regret it. It's definitely not making it to the next place I move. When we broke up, we didn't have to exchange a lot of each others' things; most were either gifts or not worth asking for. I'd gotten rid of the majority of things I still had when I moved a few months ago.
Then there's the ring. It wasn't an engagement ring or anything, but it's worth a couple hundred dollars. Part of me feels that I should keep it, however, I don't wear it (probably never will) and I'm a broke college student! Something worth that much that's just sitting in my jewelry box is pretty tempting. My practical dilemma is that I don't know where I should take it to get the most money back. My emotional dilemma is that I feel sort of like I'm betraying my ex-boyfriend if I sell it. I know he wouldn't want it back, but there is a lot of history tied to that little piece of jewelry. I still occasionally experience a sort of wistful sadness when I think about what we had and lost. I know my current boyfriend and our relationship are infinitely better for me than what I had before; it's just hard to make decisions about things that were once so emotionally important. Any advice?
I've reached that point in "healing" from a past relationship where certain items have lost their sentimental value. I have a little book where I glued all our ticket stubs, programs... Basically anything made out of paper that represented some memory. I was with my ex-boyfriend for three years, so there were quite a few things that made it into the book. I haven't done so yet, but I feel like I could throw it away and not regret it. It's definitely not making it to the next place I move. When we broke up, we didn't have to exchange a lot of each others' things; most were either gifts or not worth asking for. I'd gotten rid of the majority of things I still had when I moved a few months ago.
Then there's the ring. It wasn't an engagement ring or anything, but it's worth a couple hundred dollars. Part of me feels that I should keep it, however, I don't wear it (probably never will) and I'm a broke college student! Something worth that much that's just sitting in my jewelry box is pretty tempting. My practical dilemma is that I don't know where I should take it to get the most money back. My emotional dilemma is that I feel sort of like I'm betraying my ex-boyfriend if I sell it. I know he wouldn't want it back, but there is a lot of history tied to that little piece of jewelry. I still occasionally experience a sort of wistful sadness when I think about what we had and lost. I know my current boyfriend and our relationship are infinitely better for me than what I had before; it's just hard to make decisions about things that were once so emotionally important. Any advice?
Quote by Lily Tomlin.
I had a doctor's appointment at 9:00 this morning and I left my apartment at 8:40, with just enough time to get to the office. It rained yesterday during the day and probably through the night as well. First of all, this is my car:
Not powerful by any sense of the word but it gets me from point A to point B, it's great on gas, and it's treated me well so far.
The following photos are a little hard to see because it was getting dark when I got home tonight, but hopefully you'll get the idea. This is one of two entrances onto my street. Both entrances have the same situation going on:

Anyway, since it's kind of hard to tell, the main road is completely gone. It's just dirt. I seriously never thought I'd think dirt roads in the country were nice until I drove on this. The road is treacherous. I'm not kidding. It's like being on an insane obstacle course. The letter I received from the city informing me of the road maintenance said it's not going to be done till the end of the month. Lots of people have driven on it so there are huge craters all over the place. This morning, because of the rain, these craters were filled with mud. Remember my car? I spun my tires at 10 miles per hour all the way out of my apartment complex. The whole time I was navigating my way out I was trying to figure out what I'd do if I got stuck. I came up with the following mental list. 1) Call the doctor's office to let them know what happened. 2) Call my boyfriend to see if he had any advice. 3) If he didn't, call my dad.
Fortunately, I didn't get stuck, I made it to the appointment on time, and the road was pretty dried out by the time I came home. Unfortunately, I hit one of the previously mentioned craters pretty hard when pulling onto my street so hopefully I didn't smoosh the bottom of my car too much. As I said, it hasn't given me any problems yet and I don't want it to start!
So to the City of Rochester Hills: Please finish the road ahead of schedule!
I had a doctor's appointment at 9:00 this morning and I left my apartment at 8:40, with just enough time to get to the office. It rained yesterday during the day and probably through the night as well. First of all, this is my car:
The following photos are a little hard to see because it was getting dark when I got home tonight, but hopefully you'll get the idea. This is one of two entrances onto my street. Both entrances have the same situation going on:
Fortunately, I didn't get stuck, I made it to the appointment on time, and the road was pretty dried out by the time I came home. Unfortunately, I hit one of the previously mentioned craters pretty hard when pulling onto my street so hopefully I didn't smoosh the bottom of my car too much. As I said, it hasn't given me any problems yet and I don't want it to start!
So to the City of Rochester Hills: Please finish the road ahead of schedule!
Quote by Robert Holman.
I "traveled" to the town where I grew up (about an hour away from where I live now) to go see a good friend of mine play the female lead in Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. This was good for two reasons: 1) I got to go see an entertaining stage production which I haven't done in a while and 2) I got to spend some time with my brother who I don't get to see often enough. The play was really good, though my brother said the movie (which I will likely not see) was awesome but very gory. I get a little squeamish with movies like that.
I loved having the chance to catch up with my brother in person. Lately, we've been doing really well communicating via text message, MySpace and email, but nothing beats face-to-face interaction. I also think it's cool that he's totally up for going to see a musical. He can fix cars (plus tons of other stuff), plays the drums, works as a bicycle mechanic, and is going to school for graphic design, just to scratch the surface. And he'll willingly go see a musical with his sister! Talk about versatile! I'm definitely impressed with the adult he has become. If you can't tell by my gushing, I'm his older sister and I think he's awesome. All these feelings are especially influenced by the fact that we ran into his ex-girlfriend (a recent breakup) and the look on her face when she saw us was pretty much a cross between "Oh shit" and panic. Kind of funny, considering she's the one who broke up with him and I know he was really hurt by the whole thing. Now he's being mature and trying to deal with things in an adult way (by actually being pleasant and greeting her when they run into each other) and she's furious because he removed her from the number one friend position on his MySpace page. Really? Oh, high school realtionships. I know some couples are adult and connected enough to grow and change together regardless of when they met, but I personally am glad I moved on from my first serious relationship that started in high school. The moral of the story is that there is someone out there who is right for you. Not, "Yeah, I can deal with the stuff I don't like," but "This person is so perfect for me that he/she helps me be the best person I can be." Don't settle for anything less!
I "traveled" to the town where I grew up (about an hour away from where I live now) to go see a good friend of mine play the female lead in Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street. This was good for two reasons: 1) I got to go see an entertaining stage production which I haven't done in a while and 2) I got to spend some time with my brother who I don't get to see often enough. The play was really good, though my brother said the movie (which I will likely not see) was awesome but very gory. I get a little squeamish with movies like that.
I loved having the chance to catch up with my brother in person. Lately, we've been doing really well communicating via text message, MySpace and email, but nothing beats face-to-face interaction. I also think it's cool that he's totally up for going to see a musical. He can fix cars (plus tons of other stuff), plays the drums, works as a bicycle mechanic, and is going to school for graphic design, just to scratch the surface. And he'll willingly go see a musical with his sister! Talk about versatile! I'm definitely impressed with the adult he has become. If you can't tell by my gushing, I'm his older sister and I think he's awesome. All these feelings are especially influenced by the fact that we ran into his ex-girlfriend (a recent breakup) and the look on her face when she saw us was pretty much a cross between "Oh shit" and panic. Kind of funny, considering she's the one who broke up with him and I know he was really hurt by the whole thing. Now he's being mature and trying to deal with things in an adult way (by actually being pleasant and greeting her when they run into each other) and she's furious because he removed her from the number one friend position on his MySpace page. Really? Oh, high school realtionships. I know some couples are adult and connected enough to grow and change together regardless of when they met, but I personally am glad I moved on from my first serious relationship that started in high school. The moral of the story is that there is someone out there who is right for you. Not, "Yeah, I can deal with the stuff I don't like," but "This person is so perfect for me that he/she helps me be the best person I can be." Don't settle for anything less!
The sick are the greatest danger for the healthy; it is not from the strongest that harm comes to the strong, but from the weakest
Monday, September 22, 2008
Quote by Friedrich Nietzsche.
I've had a pretty bad cold since Thursday night and it has made getting things done pretty difficult. I missed half of my internship Friday which means I have to do four hours of plastics research at home. Exciting. I know. So what do I do? After my other internship today, I went grocery shopping, came home and took a shower, ate two cookies, turned on the TV, popped open my laptop and... browsed the internet. Now I'm blogging. In my defense, no one wants to research plastics, which is why I get to do it. After all, I'm the intern! But isn't it funny how you can think of a thousand things to do when you really have to get something done? And how all of them sound better than what you have to do? So at this point, the four hours I'm supposed to make up is going to be more like two because I definitely have to go to bed early tonight. I guess I've found the secret to blogging more frequently. Find something that you'll do anything to avoid that involves sitting in front of your computer!
I've had a pretty bad cold since Thursday night and it has made getting things done pretty difficult. I missed half of my internship Friday which means I have to do four hours of plastics research at home. Exciting. I know. So what do I do? After my other internship today, I went grocery shopping, came home and took a shower, ate two cookies, turned on the TV, popped open my laptop and... browsed the internet. Now I'm blogging. In my defense, no one wants to research plastics, which is why I get to do it. After all, I'm the intern! But isn't it funny how you can think of a thousand things to do when you really have to get something done? And how all of them sound better than what you have to do? So at this point, the four hours I'm supposed to make up is going to be more like two because I definitely have to go to bed early tonight. I guess I've found the secret to blogging more frequently. Find something that you'll do anything to avoid that involves sitting in front of your computer!
One of the great mind destroyers of college education is the belief that if it's very complex, it's very profound
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Quote by Dennis Prager.
This was actually written at approximately 1:00 today. Didn't have a computer in front of me at the time.
I'm blogging low-tech today for two reasons. 1) I'm bored in class and 2) My laptop battery doesn't work so I have to have it plugged in to use it. Not very convenient when I'm trying to occupy my time in a class where I can't focus on the lecture. Ok. I confess I just listened to the professor because he literally stopped mid-sentence and went off on people coming to class late. He said doing so is "disruptive behavior" and he "won't tolerate it." Then he said if he noticed a pattern (meaning certain people being late more than twice) he would ask those students not to come back to class. Since this is college (for which we all pay tuition) I would like to know how he plans to influence people not to come back to class... Lower their grades? I just love professors who manage to be on a power trip because they are "in charge" of so much within their class. It's actually pretty laughable.
Today I went out between classes to meet Lauryn for coffee and browsing. I say "browsing" because "shopping" requires spending money, something we both don't have a lot of. We both purchased something at Borders but that doesn't really count because Lauryn had a gift card and my purchase was a gift for my mom selected from the bargain section. Anyway, it was really nice to escape for a few hours and spend some time with a friend. I've been so busy with school and work lately that many things have fallen by the wayside. Just look at the last time I posted an entry! However, I finally feel that I have my to-do list under control. My schedule is starting to actually feel manageable.
So here's the beginning of my attempt to increase the frequency of my posts... Hopefully this works!
This was actually written at approximately 1:00 today. Didn't have a computer in front of me at the time.
I'm blogging low-tech today for two reasons. 1) I'm bored in class and 2) My laptop battery doesn't work so I have to have it plugged in to use it. Not very convenient when I'm trying to occupy my time in a class where I can't focus on the lecture. Ok. I confess I just listened to the professor because he literally stopped mid-sentence and went off on people coming to class late. He said doing so is "disruptive behavior" and he "won't tolerate it." Then he said if he noticed a pattern (meaning certain people being late more than twice) he would ask those students not to come back to class. Since this is college (for which we all pay tuition) I would like to know how he plans to influence people not to come back to class... Lower their grades? I just love professors who manage to be on a power trip because they are "in charge" of so much within their class. It's actually pretty laughable.
Today I went out between classes to meet Lauryn for coffee and browsing. I say "browsing" because "shopping" requires spending money, something we both don't have a lot of. We both purchased something at Borders but that doesn't really count because Lauryn had a gift card and my purchase was a gift for my mom selected from the bargain section. Anyway, it was really nice to escape for a few hours and spend some time with a friend. I've been so busy with school and work lately that many things have fallen by the wayside. Just look at the last time I posted an entry! However, I finally feel that I have my to-do list under control. My schedule is starting to actually feel manageable.
So here's the beginning of my attempt to increase the frequency of my posts... Hopefully this works!
Quote by Dena Groquet.
Yes, two posts in one day. I'm in that bad a mood. Apparently I wasn't done bitching yet.
As I've mentioned, I work in a hair salon. Most of our clients are adults, but some are children, which is wonderful. I mean yeah, occasionally the kids getting their hair cut freak out for whatever reason but that's usually the really young ones and they're gone in 20 minutes.
However, and this is what inspired this post, some parents (who have appointments) bring their children with them to the salon. Because receptionist is synonymous with babysitter. The fact of the matter is that I am a babysitter (at least on Thursdays) and I get paid $10 an hour to be one. Unfortunately, none of the parents who bring their kids into the salon have offered to pay me anything for watching their kids yet.
Today, a father brought his daughters into the salon. I would guess they are 3 and 6. The older one kept taking fistfuls of candy out of the dish (not my problem that she'll have a massive sugar high later - deal with that, Dad!) and the little one was pretty well-behaved except that she touched approximately every inch of the mirrors on the closet doors she could reach. Meanwhile, the dad was just sitting in his stylist's chair, not paying any attention to what was going on in the front, otherwise known as My Domain. So the children are wandering around touching things and making me feel like I had to keep an eye on them, which is irritating because that's not what I'm here for. Fortunately, these children aren't destructive or really doing anything wrong, but the reason we don't offer daycare here at the salon is because it's a salon. Not a daycare, school, playground, or any other place where groups of children are watched by adults who agree to watch them. So maybe I should add $10 to the client's bill for watching his kids for an hour. What do you think?
Yes, two posts in one day. I'm in that bad a mood. Apparently I wasn't done bitching yet.
As I've mentioned, I work in a hair salon. Most of our clients are adults, but some are children, which is wonderful. I mean yeah, occasionally the kids getting their hair cut freak out for whatever reason but that's usually the really young ones and they're gone in 20 minutes.
However, and this is what inspired this post, some parents (who have appointments) bring their children with them to the salon. Because receptionist is synonymous with babysitter. The fact of the matter is that I am a babysitter (at least on Thursdays) and I get paid $10 an hour to be one. Unfortunately, none of the parents who bring their kids into the salon have offered to pay me anything for watching their kids yet.
Today, a father brought his daughters into the salon. I would guess they are 3 and 6. The older one kept taking fistfuls of candy out of the dish (not my problem that she'll have a massive sugar high later - deal with that, Dad!) and the little one was pretty well-behaved except that she touched approximately every inch of the mirrors on the closet doors she could reach. Meanwhile, the dad was just sitting in his stylist's chair, not paying any attention to what was going on in the front, otherwise known as My Domain. So the children are wandering around touching things and making me feel like I had to keep an eye on them, which is irritating because that's not what I'm here for. Fortunately, these children aren't destructive or really doing anything wrong, but the reason we don't offer daycare here at the salon is because it's a salon. Not a daycare, school, playground, or any other place where groups of children are watched by adults who agree to watch them. So maybe I should add $10 to the client's bill for watching his kids for an hour. What do you think?
Quote by Richard Carlson.
As I mentioned in my last post, I just began yet another semester of school. More specifically, it's the fall semester of my fourth and final year of undergrad and it has been the most stressful first week of college ever. I feel like I have a million pages to read (as soon as possible) and a ridiculous amount of homework on top of that (due next week). This morning (while I was crying because I couldn't handle it, which made me feel more pathetic) D tried to make me put it in perspective and said all the right things, like "You can do it," "It's only a year and then you're done," "I know that you'll finish everything on time," etc. It was all very nice to hear but it did not keep me from feeling upset at the time. So after I got done blubbering, I fixed my makeup and left for work where, surprisingly, no one has gone out of their way to annoy me (yet). In reality, I know people don't annoy other people purposely, but I think there are those people in everyone's life who are just intolerable because personalities clash.
I'm here at work and I have five hours and six minutes left, pretty much everyone knows I'm stressed beyond belief and everyone's being pretty supportive, and I have had a large quantity of coffee which will hopefully power me through the rest of the day. This evening I'm attending a mandatory party for a program I'm in at school called ATiB (Applied Technology in Business). It's a great program, but this mandatory party thing is taking a huge chunk out of one of the few free evenings I usually have to do homework and/or get things done around the house and/or have a social life. Also, I spent about three hours last night baking desserts for said party and I'm also in charge of picking up the sandwiches from Jimmy Johns and then driving myself and all the food out to Roseville (about a half hour from where I live) to a party that I will feel compelled to stay at till the very end so I can help clean up. And did I mention that I went shopping for the pop and chips and other miscellaneous party paraphrenalia on Thursday night after I got done babysitting a 2-year-old? No? I forgot to mention that? Did I also forget to mention that I have a to-do list a mile long in addition to the massive amount of homework and reading?
Tomorrow, I'm going to a local event called Arts and Apples with my dad. It should be fun but I feel compelled to call him today and tell him we'll have to focus on cutting it short. I'm disappointed because I was looking forward to spending time with him, but there are really only so many hours in a day, so I don't feel like I have much of a choice. I know everything will come together and I will feel more under control when I'm able to get things done, but I hate feeling this stressed out.
As I mentioned in my last post, I just began yet another semester of school. More specifically, it's the fall semester of my fourth and final year of undergrad and it has been the most stressful first week of college ever. I feel like I have a million pages to read (as soon as possible) and a ridiculous amount of homework on top of that (due next week). This morning (while I was crying because I couldn't handle it, which made me feel more pathetic) D tried to make me put it in perspective and said all the right things, like "You can do it," "It's only a year and then you're done," "I know that you'll finish everything on time," etc. It was all very nice to hear but it did not keep me from feeling upset at the time. So after I got done blubbering, I fixed my makeup and left for work where, surprisingly, no one has gone out of their way to annoy me (yet). In reality, I know people don't annoy other people purposely, but I think there are those people in everyone's life who are just intolerable because personalities clash.
I'm here at work and I have five hours and six minutes left, pretty much everyone knows I'm stressed beyond belief and everyone's being pretty supportive, and I have had a large quantity of coffee which will hopefully power me through the rest of the day. This evening I'm attending a mandatory party for a program I'm in at school called ATiB (Applied Technology in Business). It's a great program, but this mandatory party thing is taking a huge chunk out of one of the few free evenings I usually have to do homework and/or get things done around the house and/or have a social life. Also, I spent about three hours last night baking desserts for said party and I'm also in charge of picking up the sandwiches from Jimmy Johns and then driving myself and all the food out to Roseville (about a half hour from where I live) to a party that I will feel compelled to stay at till the very end so I can help clean up. And did I mention that I went shopping for the pop and chips and other miscellaneous party paraphrenalia on Thursday night after I got done babysitting a 2-year-old? No? I forgot to mention that? Did I also forget to mention that I have a to-do list a mile long in addition to the massive amount of homework and reading?
Tomorrow, I'm going to a local event called Arts and Apples with my dad. It should be fun but I feel compelled to call him today and tell him we'll have to focus on cutting it short. I'm disappointed because I was looking forward to spending time with him, but there are really only so many hours in a day, so I don't feel like I have much of a choice. I know everything will come together and I will feel more under control when I'm able to get things done, but I hate feeling this stressed out.
Quote by Dave Barry.
I went camping with the wonderful D over Labor Day weekend. We met up with some friends from work in Sterling. I have decided that I can only take approximately two days and two nights before I'm ready to go home and take a shower and sleep in a real bed, which is great because that's exactly how long our trip was! Yes, they have showers in the campground but it is torture enough to use the toilet there - I don't need to subject myself to 10 minutes of showering while standing in someone else's filth.
Camping, Day 1:
We left on Saturday after I got done working (I'm a receptionist at a salon so Saturday night is my Friday night, if that makes sense) and got to the campground around 5:30. On the way, we took a detour we didn't have to take which frustrated D, but we got to go to a Flying J gas station where D purchased beef jerky. As of last Friday, I had never had beef jerky before in my life, so that was an experience. And have you ever heard of a Flying J gas station? Not me! Anyway, we got to the campsite, put up the tent, and started drinking. I will go off on a tangent for one moment: I went camping several times when I was younger, and I definitely never noticed that literally everyone was drunk the entire time. So much alcohol was consumed over the entire weekend it was really unbelievable. Long story short, I got drunk enough (not enough to do anything embarrassing) and went in the tent for a little bit to recuperate so I could come back out and enjoy the festivities. D, on the other hand, got completely annihilated. To the point that his nickname for the rest of the trip was Jack. As in Jack Daniels, and I am not kidding. Needless to say, he was absolutely ridiculous and everyone else thought it was funny, but intoxicated me was not amused.
Camping, Day 2:
I did not sleep well because someone was snoring like a chainsaw all night long. So, slightly groggy but not really hung over, I emerged from the tent around 8:30 or 9:00. I had some breakfast and D finally got up with his tail between his legs because he felt like crap and regretted getting so drunk. I gave him the cold shoulder for a while because I was grumpy from not sleeping well and I have a hard time being sympathetic toward people who drank themselves silly and feel like crap the next day, though god knows I've been there a few times. I got some coffee in me though and eventually came around to actually being pleasant (which I should have been from the beginning) but only after D said I was acting like I wasn't very happy with him. We all got in a converted school bus (smells the same disgusting way as when you rode it on the way to school, I promise) to ride to the river to get in the canoe and raft. D and I were in a canoe, Tara, Will, Christa, and Chris were in a raft. I proceeded to get pretty drunk (D was not drinking, obviously) and we tied the canoe to the raft and made our way down the river. Along the way, I apologized all over the place for being a bitch to D. You know, like when you are disproportionately remorseful for something because you're drunk. We met some fun people (Duke, Horny, Lopez, etc.), had jello shots, bonged some beer, and generally partied our way down the river. I was in and out of the canoe a bunch of times but on one fateful occasion the canoe beat the crap out of me. See examples below.

I am convinced that canoes are evil and their metal edges are designed to torture people on purpose. I didn't feel it abuse my legs at the time but when I couldn't move them upon waking up the next day, I was definitely impressed by the anesthetic powers of alcohol. Amazing that you can inflict that much damage to yourself and not even notice it at the time. And by the way, the bruises look way worse in person, my little PowerShot doesn't capture their true hideousness all that well.
Camping, Day 3:
Ate cereal, packed up the tent, and left by 10:30. It was fabulous eating real food at home and taking a wonderful shower in my clean bathroom. I cooked tilapia, breaded tomatoes with cheese, and pasta for dinner. What I cooked is important, because when I was talking to D's mom at their house today, she told me D said I'm "a really good cook." That makes me so happy because the 1950's housewife in me needs to be an amazing cook and good at all things domestic. Especially for my man!
So all in all, I had a wonderful weekend with my wonderful guy. And now back to school. Bah.
I went camping with the wonderful D over Labor Day weekend. We met up with some friends from work in Sterling. I have decided that I can only take approximately two days and two nights before I'm ready to go home and take a shower and sleep in a real bed, which is great because that's exactly how long our trip was! Yes, they have showers in the campground but it is torture enough to use the toilet there - I don't need to subject myself to 10 minutes of showering while standing in someone else's filth.
Camping, Day 1:
We left on Saturday after I got done working (I'm a receptionist at a salon so Saturday night is my Friday night, if that makes sense) and got to the campground around 5:30. On the way, we took a detour we didn't have to take which frustrated D, but we got to go to a Flying J gas station where D purchased beef jerky. As of last Friday, I had never had beef jerky before in my life, so that was an experience. And have you ever heard of a Flying J gas station? Not me! Anyway, we got to the campsite, put up the tent, and started drinking. I will go off on a tangent for one moment: I went camping several times when I was younger, and I definitely never noticed that literally everyone was drunk the entire time. So much alcohol was consumed over the entire weekend it was really unbelievable. Long story short, I got drunk enough (not enough to do anything embarrassing) and went in the tent for a little bit to recuperate so I could come back out and enjoy the festivities. D, on the other hand, got completely annihilated. To the point that his nickname for the rest of the trip was Jack. As in Jack Daniels, and I am not kidding. Needless to say, he was absolutely ridiculous and everyone else thought it was funny, but intoxicated me was not amused.
Camping, Day 2:
I did not sleep well because someone was snoring like a chainsaw all night long. So, slightly groggy but not really hung over, I emerged from the tent around 8:30 or 9:00. I had some breakfast and D finally got up with his tail between his legs because he felt like crap and regretted getting so drunk. I gave him the cold shoulder for a while because I was grumpy from not sleeping well and I have a hard time being sympathetic toward people who drank themselves silly and feel like crap the next day, though god knows I've been there a few times. I got some coffee in me though and eventually came around to actually being pleasant (which I should have been from the beginning) but only after D said I was acting like I wasn't very happy with him. We all got in a converted school bus (smells the same disgusting way as when you rode it on the way to school, I promise) to ride to the river to get in the canoe and raft. D and I were in a canoe, Tara, Will, Christa, and Chris were in a raft. I proceeded to get pretty drunk (D was not drinking, obviously) and we tied the canoe to the raft and made our way down the river. Along the way, I apologized all over the place for being a bitch to D. You know, like when you are disproportionately remorseful for something because you're drunk. We met some fun people (Duke, Horny, Lopez, etc.), had jello shots, bonged some beer, and generally partied our way down the river. I was in and out of the canoe a bunch of times but on one fateful occasion the canoe beat the crap out of me. See examples below.
I am convinced that canoes are evil and their metal edges are designed to torture people on purpose. I didn't feel it abuse my legs at the time but when I couldn't move them upon waking up the next day, I was definitely impressed by the anesthetic powers of alcohol. Amazing that you can inflict that much damage to yourself and not even notice it at the time. And by the way, the bruises look way worse in person, my little PowerShot doesn't capture their true hideousness all that well.
Camping, Day 3:
Ate cereal, packed up the tent, and left by 10:30. It was fabulous eating real food at home and taking a wonderful shower in my clean bathroom. I cooked tilapia, breaded tomatoes with cheese, and pasta for dinner. What I cooked is important, because when I was talking to D's mom at their house today, she told me D said I'm "a really good cook." That makes me so happy because the 1950's housewife in me needs to be an amazing cook and good at all things domestic. Especially for my man!
So all in all, I had a wonderful weekend with my wonderful guy. And now back to school. Bah.
Evermore in the world is this marvelous balance of beauty and disgust, magnificence and rats
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson.
In the interest of making my things last longer to therefore save money by not replacing them, I decided to clean my vacuum. I initially thought I would just be removing the dirt collector and rinsing it out. I was very wrong. Apparently there are layers upon layers of filters and compartments in my vacuum that I didn't even know existed. All of the filters and components were also caked with dirt and dust and carpet fuzz to varying degrees. It was just plain disgusting. My favorite part was the bug carcasses. So now I have my vacuum completely torn apart with the sections I washed drying on some paper towel on my kitchen counter. All I have to say is that my vacuum better work so much more amazing than it did before I cleaned it. That was definitely one of the grossest things I've ever had to do, right up there with cleaning out a drain. However, the drain cleaning adventure actually made me gag and was accompanied by my dad laughing at me on the phone while I was freaking out as he walked me through the best way to take apart the sink.
In the interest of making my things last longer to therefore save money by not replacing them, I decided to clean my vacuum. I initially thought I would just be removing the dirt collector and rinsing it out. I was very wrong. Apparently there are layers upon layers of filters and compartments in my vacuum that I didn't even know existed. All of the filters and components were also caked with dirt and dust and carpet fuzz to varying degrees. It was just plain disgusting. My favorite part was the bug carcasses. So now I have my vacuum completely torn apart with the sections I washed drying on some paper towel on my kitchen counter. All I have to say is that my vacuum better work so much more amazing than it did before I cleaned it. That was definitely one of the grossest things I've ever had to do, right up there with cleaning out a drain. However, the drain cleaning adventure actually made me gag and was accompanied by my dad laughing at me on the phone while I was freaking out as he walked me through the best way to take apart the sink.
Tonight I had the pleasure of being in the company of two of my best girlfriends for delicious Mexican food and drinks. It's so fun to catch up with friends to share stories and experiences. The three of us are pretty close to the same age but are in various stages in life and relationships so it's nice to be able to "compare notes."
But yay for the tequila in margaritas... I'm definitely a barley and hops girl! It probably doesn't help a whole lot that I had a tummy ache earlier. I have a sensitive stomach and I really have to watch it sometimes.
On September 13th the three of us and our men are going to have a fantastic couples' evening involving appetizers, dessert, and drinks. I'm so excited!
Now back to creating a playlist for my MySpace! Wow... Tequila makes me a scattered blogger!
Tonight I had the pleasure of being in the company of two of my best girlfriends for delicious Mexican food and drinks. It's so fun to catch up with friends to share stories and experiences. The three of us are pretty close to the same age but are in various stages in life and relationships so it's nice to be able to "compare notes."
But yay for the tequila in margaritas... I'm definitely a barley and hops girl! It probably doesn't help a whole lot that I had a tummy ache earlier. I have a sensitive stomach and I really have to watch it sometimes.
On September 13th the three of us and our men are going to have a fantastic couples' evening involving appetizers, dessert, and drinks. I'm so excited!
Now back to creating a playlist for my MySpace! Wow... Tequila makes me a scattered blogger!
Quote by Robert Kiyosaki.
I just read an incredible book called Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki (yes, the very author whose quote I'm using as a title today!) The book is about personal finances but before my reader(s), haha, fall asleep, I just have to say that it is very well written to the point of being entertaining while offering incredible insight into how to change your personal perceptions of money. It is one of the only books I have read recently that I highly, highly recommend. For a quick summary, it's basically about making your money work hard for you rather than you working hard for money. Yes, investing is involved, but more importantly, Kiyosaki stresses education. He explains that as soon as you really learn about investing whether in real estate, the stock market, etc. it becomes less risky and more common sense. In many cases, it appears that the most risk arises from lack of knowledge. Read this book because even if you don't use every principle mentioned on its pages, the perspective shift will really surprise you.
I just read an incredible book called Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki (yes, the very author whose quote I'm using as a title today!) The book is about personal finances but before my reader(s), haha, fall asleep, I just have to say that it is very well written to the point of being entertaining while offering incredible insight into how to change your personal perceptions of money. It is one of the only books I have read recently that I highly, highly recommend. For a quick summary, it's basically about making your money work hard for you rather than you working hard for money. Yes, investing is involved, but more importantly, Kiyosaki stresses education. He explains that as soon as you really learn about investing whether in real estate, the stock market, etc. it becomes less risky and more common sense. In many cases, it appears that the most risk arises from lack of knowledge. Read this book because even if you don't use every principle mentioned on its pages, the perspective shift will really surprise you.
Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Quote by Oscar Wilde.
I am not the fashion police, but I really have to comment on something I saw the other day in Subway. I was leaving work and decided to be too lazy to make dinner at home, so I stopped at a Subway on my way home. I stood in line waiting for the couple ahead of me to finish the ordering and paying process. The female half of the couple was somewhat overweight, wearing skin-tight jeans exposing a massive muffin top that was very visible through her bright pink halter top with a hood. Yes, you read that correctly. Halter top with a hood. Which was actually on her head. So try to mentally imagine this: Muffin top + lots of back skin exposed + hood on head + shocking pink halter top. So here's my piece of advice: I know we all don't look like supermodels however dress in a way that's actually flattering to your body! Please!
I am not the fashion police, but I really have to comment on something I saw the other day in Subway. I was leaving work and decided to be too lazy to make dinner at home, so I stopped at a Subway on my way home. I stood in line waiting for the couple ahead of me to finish the ordering and paying process. The female half of the couple was somewhat overweight, wearing skin-tight jeans exposing a massive muffin top that was very visible through her bright pink halter top with a hood. Yes, you read that correctly. Halter top with a hood. Which was actually on her head. So try to mentally imagine this: Muffin top + lots of back skin exposed + hood on head + shocking pink halter top. So here's my piece of advice: I know we all don't look like supermodels however dress in a way that's actually flattering to your body! Please!
Quote by Oscar Wilde.
Today is the official last day of my internship at an automotive company in the area. First of all, it made me really not want to work in an office because of all the extremely negative people that work there. As I was explaining this to Amber, the administrative assistant for the program that got me the internship to begin with, she mentioned that since it's an automotive company everyone probably fears for their job security on a daily basis. I thought that was a pretty good point but I still have a hard time dealing with extreme negativity. So I was expecting it to be torture because they haven't done the best job at finding projects for me to do, and they didn't want me to step into the middle of someone else's project only to leave a few weeks later. But when I walked in and talked to the manager, it turned out she had a project for me to do that took almost the whole day! I'm someone who needs to be really busy to be happy so I'm glad that today turned out the way it did. Even better, no one seemed to be as irritated with work as they usually are. I'm also pleased that I ended on a positive note with some solid accomplishments because the director of my program counts on companies to continuously sponsor students, so leaving a good impression is really important.
On another note, I start my final year of undergrad in 20 days! I'm excited to be done with school be also apprehensive about the future (details of which are a huge mystery, as usual). I have felt more like an adult than ever this year - kind of scary!
Today is the official last day of my internship at an automotive company in the area. First of all, it made me really not want to work in an office because of all the extremely negative people that work there. As I was explaining this to Amber, the administrative assistant for the program that got me the internship to begin with, she mentioned that since it's an automotive company everyone probably fears for their job security on a daily basis. I thought that was a pretty good point but I still have a hard time dealing with extreme negativity. So I was expecting it to be torture because they haven't done the best job at finding projects for me to do, and they didn't want me to step into the middle of someone else's project only to leave a few weeks later. But when I walked in and talked to the manager, it turned out she had a project for me to do that took almost the whole day! I'm someone who needs to be really busy to be happy so I'm glad that today turned out the way it did. Even better, no one seemed to be as irritated with work as they usually are. I'm also pleased that I ended on a positive note with some solid accomplishments because the director of my program counts on companies to continuously sponsor students, so leaving a good impression is really important.
On another note, I start my final year of undergrad in 20 days! I'm excited to be done with school be also apprehensive about the future (details of which are a huge mystery, as usual). I have felt more like an adult than ever this year - kind of scary!
Quote by Benjamin Franklin.
I was minding my own business in Kroger yesterday, in a little bit of a hurry to get home. I was cruising pretty quickly down the the frozen foods section to get to the registers. I didn't notice a small puddle on the floor until my left flip-flop slid way out in front of me, forcing me to go down pretty hard on my right knee. First of all, I hate falling and I hate the idea of falling and I hate the feeling of falling. It just seems really embarrassing and to tell the story to other people later makes you sound like your 93 and you didn't use your walker correctly. Ok, so I sort of fell/slipped but I didn't spill anything out of my purse or my grocery basket or anything, so I was sort of impressed with my "natural" grace and ability not to completely humiliate myself. However, my knee hurt really really bad because I already had a scab on it from another incident (not worth mentioning here, haha). I stood up and there was blood on the floor and blood dripping down my leg. Of course I had no tissues in my purse so I was trying to use my grocery list to mop up the majority of it, which basically just smeared it all over my leg. I hobbled to the checkout and informed the person behind the register that there was water in the isle and she sent someone to clean it up. She rang up all my items and then my grocery list stopped being an even passable tissue so I asked for paper towel, which was not a whole lot better since it was the brown elementary school stuff that does not dry anything. So I eventually got myself home and all bandaged up and then went to go babysit.
The little girl I babysit is a little over 2 1/2 and has her days when she's awful but also her days when she's really cute. After her nap and her snack, she was zooming around and noticed that I had a Band-Aid on my knee and the rest of the old scab (the part that didn't explode all over Kroger) visible above the Band-Aid. She's sort of dramatic sometimes so she gasped and said, "You got a boo boo! That's terrible! Here, I kiss it and it feel better!" So she kissed it and asked if it felt better, then offered me her juice and said drinking it would make me feel better, and then informed me that I needed a Band-Aid and some cream (I'm assuming antibacterial cream or something that her mom puts on her boo boos.) Adorable. And pretty much almost worth getting hurt.
I was minding my own business in Kroger yesterday, in a little bit of a hurry to get home. I was cruising pretty quickly down the the frozen foods section to get to the registers. I didn't notice a small puddle on the floor until my left flip-flop slid way out in front of me, forcing me to go down pretty hard on my right knee. First of all, I hate falling and I hate the idea of falling and I hate the feeling of falling. It just seems really embarrassing and to tell the story to other people later makes you sound like your 93 and you didn't use your walker correctly. Ok, so I sort of fell/slipped but I didn't spill anything out of my purse or my grocery basket or anything, so I was sort of impressed with my "natural" grace and ability not to completely humiliate myself. However, my knee hurt really really bad because I already had a scab on it from another incident (not worth mentioning here, haha). I stood up and there was blood on the floor and blood dripping down my leg. Of course I had no tissues in my purse so I was trying to use my grocery list to mop up the majority of it, which basically just smeared it all over my leg. I hobbled to the checkout and informed the person behind the register that there was water in the isle and she sent someone to clean it up. She rang up all my items and then my grocery list stopped being an even passable tissue so I asked for paper towel, which was not a whole lot better since it was the brown elementary school stuff that does not dry anything. So I eventually got myself home and all bandaged up and then went to go babysit.
The little girl I babysit is a little over 2 1/2 and has her days when she's awful but also her days when she's really cute. After her nap and her snack, she was zooming around and noticed that I had a Band-Aid on my knee and the rest of the old scab (the part that didn't explode all over Kroger) visible above the Band-Aid. She's sort of dramatic sometimes so she gasped and said, "You got a boo boo! That's terrible! Here, I kiss it and it feel better!" So she kissed it and asked if it felt better, then offered me her juice and said drinking it would make me feel better, and then informed me that I needed a Band-Aid and some cream (I'm assuming antibacterial cream or something that her mom puts on her boo boos.) Adorable. And pretty much almost worth getting hurt.
Certainly there are good and bad times, but our mood changes more often than our fortune
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Quote by Jules Renard.
I know I haven't posted in a million days, but I've had a good excuse. I moved into an apartment! There have been some issues regarding the leasing office staff and their questionable job aptitude, but I know how to be annoying enough to get my way in the end. Haha. I have my pictures hung and the majority of my things put away so that definitely makes me feel more at ease. One snag has been that the apartment is handicap accessible which would be great if I was in a wheelchair. Also, this was a secret until I stepped into the apartment for the first time. This basically means that I'm missing a couple cabinets in the kitchen and bathroom, I have an elevated toilet seat, and I have support bars by the toilet and in the shower. I'm going to have maintenance replace the toilet seat and hopefully take out the support bars. The woman I talked to today apologized all over the place and told me I should never have even been offered this apartment, but I'm moved in, my address is changed everywhere, it's only for a year and a half, and I'll be on to bigger and better things soon. Think temporary!
I've been spending lots of time with D which has been amazing, other than I wanted more "alone time" with him over the weekend and didn't get it, and in discussing our schedules this week we discovered that this will be the first week we don't see each other at least every other day. I am aware that I've been spoiled, but circumstances allowed us to spend a lot of time together. In addition to that, the next time we see each other will be at a softball game in which he is playing after I babysit on Thursday. The game starts at 9:50 and will go until about 11:00, then he'll need to go to bed immediately because he has to work at 7:00 AM near Metro Airport. The next time we see each other will maybe be Saturday night, but probably won't be until Sunday sometime when we get to hang out with his family all day. Meanwhile, one of my favorite things to do with him is lay in bed and watch TV because we can talk and snuggle and just be together. So needless to say, I'm a little disappointed in how this week is going to turn out.
To make matters slightly worse, I've not been in a great mood the last couple of days. I just started taking The Pill again last week and I'm thinking it might be affecting me in a not-so-good way, just like when I was on it before. At this point I don't think it's as bad as the other brand I was on before (since I was careful to tell my GYN I wanted a different one) but I do not enjoy feeling blah and a medium level of sad-ish for days at a time. I guess I will give it till the end of the month to make my decision, but in the meantime, good luck to those who have to put up with me! Here's an example of what sort of fun, blown-out-of-proportion feelings I have: I went grocery shopping today after work (at about 8:45) and I wanted to get some Ben and Jerry's Half Baked ice cream. I finished getting most of the items on my list (of course I forgot one) and I went to the ice cream isle to pick up my little carton of deliciousness. Kroger had many other Ben and Jerry's flavors fully stocked but no Half Baked at all. I became pissed off that I had to choose a different flavor and actually considered going to a different grocery store. 1) Who cares if they didn't have a flavor I wanted since I don't need to eat any ice cream anyway, 2) Being pissed off about ice cream is a ridiculous overreaction and 3) Who drives to a completely different grocery store to get one unnecessary item unless they are pregnant? Which I'm not. I'm on The Pill. Or maybe this is all moodiness caused by stress from moving and unpacking and working and the never-ending to-do list etc. etc. etc. Hopefully a normal sleep schedule will cure it all!
I know I haven't posted in a million days, but I've had a good excuse. I moved into an apartment! There have been some issues regarding the leasing office staff and their questionable job aptitude, but I know how to be annoying enough to get my way in the end. Haha. I have my pictures hung and the majority of my things put away so that definitely makes me feel more at ease. One snag has been that the apartment is handicap accessible which would be great if I was in a wheelchair. Also, this was a secret until I stepped into the apartment for the first time. This basically means that I'm missing a couple cabinets in the kitchen and bathroom, I have an elevated toilet seat, and I have support bars by the toilet and in the shower. I'm going to have maintenance replace the toilet seat and hopefully take out the support bars. The woman I talked to today apologized all over the place and told me I should never have even been offered this apartment, but I'm moved in, my address is changed everywhere, it's only for a year and a half, and I'll be on to bigger and better things soon. Think temporary!
I've been spending lots of time with D which has been amazing, other than I wanted more "alone time" with him over the weekend and didn't get it, and in discussing our schedules this week we discovered that this will be the first week we don't see each other at least every other day. I am aware that I've been spoiled, but circumstances allowed us to spend a lot of time together. In addition to that, the next time we see each other will be at a softball game in which he is playing after I babysit on Thursday. The game starts at 9:50 and will go until about 11:00, then he'll need to go to bed immediately because he has to work at 7:00 AM near Metro Airport. The next time we see each other will maybe be Saturday night, but probably won't be until Sunday sometime when we get to hang out with his family all day. Meanwhile, one of my favorite things to do with him is lay in bed and watch TV because we can talk and snuggle and just be together. So needless to say, I'm a little disappointed in how this week is going to turn out.
To make matters slightly worse, I've not been in a great mood the last couple of days. I just started taking The Pill again last week and I'm thinking it might be affecting me in a not-so-good way, just like when I was on it before. At this point I don't think it's as bad as the other brand I was on before (since I was careful to tell my GYN I wanted a different one) but I do not enjoy feeling blah and a medium level of sad-ish for days at a time. I guess I will give it till the end of the month to make my decision, but in the meantime, good luck to those who have to put up with me! Here's an example of what sort of fun, blown-out-of-proportion feelings I have: I went grocery shopping today after work (at about 8:45) and I wanted to get some Ben and Jerry's Half Baked ice cream. I finished getting most of the items on my list (of course I forgot one) and I went to the ice cream isle to pick up my little carton of deliciousness. Kroger had many other Ben and Jerry's flavors fully stocked but no Half Baked at all. I became pissed off that I had to choose a different flavor and actually considered going to a different grocery store. 1) Who cares if they didn't have a flavor I wanted since I don't need to eat any ice cream anyway, 2) Being pissed off about ice cream is a ridiculous overreaction and 3) Who drives to a completely different grocery store to get one unnecessary item unless they are pregnant? Which I'm not. I'm on The Pill. Or maybe this is all moodiness caused by stress from moving and unpacking and working and the never-ending to-do list etc. etc. etc. Hopefully a normal sleep schedule will cure it all!
Quote by Robert Collier.
At the risk of sounding like a broken record... Here's the latest about the condo/apartment/living situation. Because you're not sick of hearing about it yet. After the wedding ring saga, I've pretty much decided to move by July 31st if not (much) earlier. Everyone who I've talked to about the whole thing has been really supportive and "on my side." So I'm going to call my realtor tomorrow and withdraw my purchase agreement for the condo, which makes me kind of sad but seems necessary especially given the potential difficulty I may have reselling it next year if I have to move, and the fact that there is a higher offer pending as well.
I've decided to move into the Northridge Apartments in Rochester Hills. It's pretty close to school and centrally located to expressways and shopping. Also, it's decently close to work and actually about a mile and a half north of my old apartment and therefore close to things like the doctors and dentist that I found when I first moved to the area.
Overall, I guess I'm just relieved that I've made a decision and I can finally start moving in a direction with all of this. It's really too bad that everything turned out this way but I just keep telling myself that things happen for a reason.
At the risk of sounding like a broken record... Here's the latest about the condo/apartment/living situation. Because you're not sick of hearing about it yet. After the wedding ring saga, I've pretty much decided to move by July 31st if not (much) earlier. Everyone who I've talked to about the whole thing has been really supportive and "on my side." So I'm going to call my realtor tomorrow and withdraw my purchase agreement for the condo, which makes me kind of sad but seems necessary especially given the potential difficulty I may have reselling it next year if I have to move, and the fact that there is a higher offer pending as well.
I've decided to move into the Northridge Apartments in Rochester Hills. It's pretty close to school and centrally located to expressways and shopping. Also, it's decently close to work and actually about a mile and a half north of my old apartment and therefore close to things like the doctors and dentist that I found when I first moved to the area.
Overall, I guess I'm just relieved that I've made a decision and I can finally start moving in a direction with all of this. It's really too bad that everything turned out this way but I just keep telling myself that things happen for a reason.
Quote by Thomas Fuller.
I've kept you pretty up to date regarding my living situation so far, but something has happened that is really the icing on the cake. I received a phone call from my "landlady" yesterday when I was at my parents' house to celebrate my mom's birthday. She informed me that her diamond ring went missing and asked me if I could ask my boyfriend, D, if he took it. She said she is "beside herself" about it and that she "hates to ask" but he is the only person she can think to blame at this point. A little while later, she called back to tell me that she was filing a police report and at 5:30, I got a phone call from Deputy Bianchi to discuss what had happened. I was told that rings don't just disappear and that no charges would be pressed if the ring showed up some time this week, that Kelly just wants it back. Deputy Bianchi said that "it's not looking good" for D since he looks like the one with the most opportunity and since Kelly said to Deputy Bianchi that she was sure I didn't take it. I told the deputy that I had as much or more opportunity as D and that Kelly couldn't be sure I didn't take it. The bottom line is that the ring can't just show up if no one took it, and D is going to get dragged through the mud for this and there's nothing I can do.
I am so furious I can hardly breathe.
I've kept you pretty up to date regarding my living situation so far, but something has happened that is really the icing on the cake. I received a phone call from my "landlady" yesterday when I was at my parents' house to celebrate my mom's birthday. She informed me that her diamond ring went missing and asked me if I could ask my boyfriend, D, if he took it. She said she is "beside herself" about it and that she "hates to ask" but he is the only person she can think to blame at this point. A little while later, she called back to tell me that she was filing a police report and at 5:30, I got a phone call from Deputy Bianchi to discuss what had happened. I was told that rings don't just disappear and that no charges would be pressed if the ring showed up some time this week, that Kelly just wants it back. Deputy Bianchi said that "it's not looking good" for D since he looks like the one with the most opportunity and since Kelly said to Deputy Bianchi that she was sure I didn't take it. I told the deputy that I had as much or more opportunity as D and that Kelly couldn't be sure I didn't take it. The bottom line is that the ring can't just show up if no one took it, and D is going to get dragged through the mud for this and there's nothing I can do.
I am so furious I can hardly breathe.
We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths
Monday, July 14, 2008
Quote by Walt Disney.
Anticipating my impending change of residence, I am starting to pack my things slowly but surely. I'm waiting for the final decision from the bank on whether or not I get the condo, and until then I can't make any other plans. Waiting around is irritating since being in this house is driving me nuts! Plus I'm really not a fan of moving and I'm definitely not a fan of knowing nothing about where I'll be living in two weeks.
Negativity aside, I'm so excited that I'll be living alone again! You don't really value your alone time until it's non-existent!
Also, thank god for my wonderful boyfriend who's so perfect for me it's ridiculous. Spending a ton of time with him has seriously saved me the past three weeks. I'm having so much fun that it's pretty easy to stay positive most of the time! The other day we went to the Magic Bag in Ferndale and saw a pretty awesome band called Pistol Day Parade. Check them out! The headliner that night was Fifth Way. Definitely worth a listen too!
Anticipating my impending change of residence, I am starting to pack my things slowly but surely. I'm waiting for the final decision from the bank on whether or not I get the condo, and until then I can't make any other plans. Waiting around is irritating since being in this house is driving me nuts! Plus I'm really not a fan of moving and I'm definitely not a fan of knowing nothing about where I'll be living in two weeks.
Negativity aside, I'm so excited that I'll be living alone again! You don't really value your alone time until it's non-existent!
Also, thank god for my wonderful boyfriend who's so perfect for me it's ridiculous. Spending a ton of time with him has seriously saved me the past three weeks. I'm having so much fun that it's pretty easy to stay positive most of the time! The other day we went to the Magic Bag in Ferndale and saw a pretty awesome band called Pistol Day Parade. Check them out! The headliner that night was Fifth Way. Definitely worth a listen too!
Quote by Ann Douglas.
Rereading that last post makes me feel like... a total cheeseball. Oh well.
In new news, I've made an offer on a condo subject to short sale which means that I am getting a ridiculously good deal. A short sale is basically the step before foreclosure, which makes me feel bad for the current owner but what a great opportunity for me! The offer has to go through the bank and I'm sort of wondering how long that will take but the realtor told them I want to close by the 31st so we'll see! My parents are being fantastic and are helping me out in a big way, which means that I'm going to have a very flexible loan agreement. I'm so excited but I can't wait to see if the bank takes my offer. I keep trying to remind myself I don't have it quite yet, so I can't get too excited, but it's hard to stay detached. There are only a couple downsides to impending home ownership: 1) I have no furniture of any kind 2) I have to buy the washer and dryer from the current owner 3) the furnace/air conditioner (yes, it's the same unit) is 22 years old and will die at any moment and will have to be replaced. However, there are about 1 million great things about the condo like the layout, the paint colors, the flooring, the new appliances, etc. etc. etc. What an exciting new experience!
Rereading that last post makes me feel like... a total cheeseball. Oh well.
In new news, I've made an offer on a condo subject to short sale which means that I am getting a ridiculously good deal. A short sale is basically the step before foreclosure, which makes me feel bad for the current owner but what a great opportunity for me! The offer has to go through the bank and I'm sort of wondering how long that will take but the realtor told them I want to close by the 31st so we'll see! My parents are being fantastic and are helping me out in a big way, which means that I'm going to have a very flexible loan agreement. I'm so excited but I can't wait to see if the bank takes my offer. I keep trying to remind myself I don't have it quite yet, so I can't get too excited, but it's hard to stay detached. There are only a couple downsides to impending home ownership: 1) I have no furniture of any kind 2) I have to buy the washer and dryer from the current owner 3) the furnace/air conditioner (yes, it's the same unit) is 22 years old and will die at any moment and will have to be replaced. However, there are about 1 million great things about the condo like the layout, the paint colors, the flooring, the new appliances, etc. etc. etc. What an exciting new experience!
Quote by Albert Einstein
I am head over heels for a man that I met for the first time a month ago today. It's strange for someone like me, who's used to being logical and thinking things through. Acting mostly on emotion is not something I do often but it happened, and I'm enjoying every minute of it. I feel lucky and special and all sorts of other things that you're supposed to feel in a relationship. Being with him is so unbelievably easy. Wow. I don't know how it can get better than this.
I am head over heels for a man that I met for the first time a month ago today. It's strange for someone like me, who's used to being logical and thinking things through. Acting mostly on emotion is not something I do often but it happened, and I'm enjoying every minute of it. I feel lucky and special and all sorts of other things that you're supposed to feel in a relationship. Being with him is so unbelievably easy. Wow. I don't know how it can get better than this.
And homeless near a thousand homes I stood, and near a thousand tables pined and wanted food
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Quote by William Wordsworth.
I'm not exactly "homeless," but I sure feel as close to it as I would ever want to! The whole situation is that I was invited into a pretty generous but also mutually beneficial situation that involved me renting/house sitting for a coworker. I paid $600 per month, no utilities except cable and internet, and in exchange I took care of the house and some of the yard work. Unfortunately, the owners of the house and their 7-year-old came home for a "visit" that is actually permanent because there is another baby on the way. So a seven-week visit (which seemed ridiculously long to me anyway) turns into permanent and now I have to find a new place to live. They said I could stay as long as I wanted (even until I graduate in May), but that seemed like a really long time to stay in a home with another family. I was fine with finding a place before school started and didn't feel like I was in a huge hurry until today, when I found out that I will be paying exactly the same amount of rent as I was when I was here all by myself! I don't love using swear words in my blog, but I think this is bullshit. I'm so annoyed/stressed that all of these little facts are leaking out drop by drop that I want to scream. So my "casual" move-out-in-two-months feeling has now changed to a hectic find-a-place-as-soon-as-possible feeling. My parents threw around the idea of investing in a condo that I could live in but at this point I'm so stressed out with everything that I just want to find a cute apartment with a one-year lease and curl up in a ball inside it. I want to feel like I have some degree of control over my life!
I'm not exactly "homeless," but I sure feel as close to it as I would ever want to! The whole situation is that I was invited into a pretty generous but also mutually beneficial situation that involved me renting/house sitting for a coworker. I paid $600 per month, no utilities except cable and internet, and in exchange I took care of the house and some of the yard work. Unfortunately, the owners of the house and their 7-year-old came home for a "visit" that is actually permanent because there is another baby on the way. So a seven-week visit (which seemed ridiculously long to me anyway) turns into permanent and now I have to find a new place to live. They said I could stay as long as I wanted (even until I graduate in May), but that seemed like a really long time to stay in a home with another family. I was fine with finding a place before school started and didn't feel like I was in a huge hurry until today, when I found out that I will be paying exactly the same amount of rent as I was when I was here all by myself! I don't love using swear words in my blog, but I think this is bullshit. I'm so annoyed/stressed that all of these little facts are leaking out drop by drop that I want to scream. So my "casual" move-out-in-two-months feeling has now changed to a hectic find-a-place-as-soon-as-possible feeling. My parents threw around the idea of investing in a condo that I could live in but at this point I'm so stressed out with everything that I just want to find a cute apartment with a one-year lease and curl up in a ball inside it. I want to feel like I have some degree of control over my life!
Quote by Paul GĂ©raldy.
So what do you do when you're dating the brother of a man who broke up with one of your best friends? Of course it's because of their relationship that I even met this guy but it's definitely weird having such polar opposite feelings toward two people in the same family. To be completely honest, I don't even know what I'm supposed to do if I end up in a more serious relationship. I want to be loyal to my friend but I don't want to make things awkward for the guy I'm dating or the rest of his family, for that matter. This is probably not even something I should be worrying about since it technically has nothing to do with me but I have always been extremely loyal to my friends and I have a hard time pushing that aside.
So what do you do when you're dating the brother of a man who broke up with one of your best friends? Of course it's because of their relationship that I even met this guy but it's definitely weird having such polar opposite feelings toward two people in the same family. To be completely honest, I don't even know what I'm supposed to do if I end up in a more serious relationship. I want to be loyal to my friend but I don't want to make things awkward for the guy I'm dating or the rest of his family, for that matter. This is probably not even something I should be worrying about since it technically has nothing to do with me but I have always been extremely loyal to my friends and I have a hard time pushing that aside.
We believe that electricity exists, because the electric company keeps sending us bills for it
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Quote by Dave Barry.
I'm beginning to doubt the existence of electricity since I haven't had any in my house for FIVE days. The worst part is that I'm actually adjusting to it! And I'm getting big muscles from lifting and lowering the garage door every time I want to park in the garage. Overall, it hasn't been that bad since I'm not home much. However, this morning I checked the basement this morning because I have a sump pump (a device that keeps ground water away from the footings of the house) and it runs on electricity. Sure enough, I discovered that the basement flooded! Fortunately it wasn't very much water but now is not the time for more things to go wrong. At this point DTE estimates that the power should be back by midnight tonight. We'll see! Luckily I'm working a ton and have classes and therefore don't have to sit in a dark house by myself all day long.
I'm beginning to doubt the existence of electricity since I haven't had any in my house for FIVE days. The worst part is that I'm actually adjusting to it! And I'm getting big muscles from lifting and lowering the garage door every time I want to park in the garage. Overall, it hasn't been that bad since I'm not home much. However, this morning I checked the basement this morning because I have a sump pump (a device that keeps ground water away from the footings of the house) and it runs on electricity. Sure enough, I discovered that the basement flooded! Fortunately it wasn't very much water but now is not the time for more things to go wrong. At this point DTE estimates that the power should be back by midnight tonight. We'll see! Luckily I'm working a ton and have classes and therefore don't have to sit in a dark house by myself all day long.
Quote by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.
So, it has been brought to my attention that I haven't posted in a while... It's "only" been 15 days! Oops! Needless to say, I've been distracted. Partly due to working lots more than normal but partly due to going out to bars and meeting people and having fun! I guess I'm enjoying the freedom of being a young single woman! And on that note, when it rains it pours! I got a text yesterday from I guy I knew from high school and have kept in intermittent contact with over the past few years. He "confessed" that he had a huge crush on me in high school (in hindsight, this was obvious). He lives in Atlanta now and said that I could come down and visit whenever I want, and all I would have to pay for is my plane ticket. I just have one question... What do I have to do deserve such generosity? It definitely seems like a strings attached situation to me!
Like I mentioned, I've been working my butt off. Full time plus school is a bit of a challenge but when I go back to my normal schedule and classes end I'll probably feel like I'm drowning in boredom. I got semi-offered an internship one or two days a week for the remainder of the summer so hopefully I'll get that and bring in some extra money to hold me over when I can't work as much when school starts up in the fall.
So, it has been brought to my attention that I haven't posted in a while... It's "only" been 15 days! Oops! Needless to say, I've been distracted. Partly due to working lots more than normal but partly due to going out to bars and meeting people and having fun! I guess I'm enjoying the freedom of being a young single woman! And on that note, when it rains it pours! I got a text yesterday from I guy I knew from high school and have kept in intermittent contact with over the past few years. He "confessed" that he had a huge crush on me in high school (in hindsight, this was obvious). He lives in Atlanta now and said that I could come down and visit whenever I want, and all I would have to pay for is my plane ticket. I just have one question... What do I have to do deserve such generosity? It definitely seems like a strings attached situation to me!
Like I mentioned, I've been working my butt off. Full time plus school is a bit of a challenge but when I go back to my normal schedule and classes end I'll probably feel like I'm drowning in boredom. I got semi-offered an internship one or two days a week for the remainder of the summer so hopefully I'll get that and bring in some extra money to hold me over when I can't work as much when school starts up in the fall.
Only the female half of humanity was seen to have the magical ability to bleed profusely and still rise phoenix-like each month...
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Weird quote by Estelle Ramey.
This episode of That Time of the Month has come complete with wicked cramps, bloating, plummeting self-esteem, increased skin "issues," and overall irritability. Yayyyy womanhood. I have an aunt that calls it "the blessing" in direct contradiction to everyone else who calls it "the curse." I get what she means, but talk about feeling six shades of miserable! And reading into things that don't exist... And taking things personally that have nothing to do with me... Bah. I read a book once called The Red Tent and the part that sticks out in my mind the most is that the women all bonded during their periods (of course, they were all on it at the same time) and got to hang out in a neato red tent relaxing and eating exotic foods while waiting for the process to be over and done with. I don't really remember it exactly like that, but how fun if for the time that you're on your period you and your girlfriends could go to a spa or eat at fabulous restaurants (or have the fabulous restaurants come to you if you're too bloated to wear anything besides sweatpants) or really do anything you want to do that's fun and relaxing and allows you to feel the best you can! Let's figure out how to make that happen!
This episode of That Time of the Month has come complete with wicked cramps, bloating, plummeting self-esteem, increased skin "issues," and overall irritability. Yayyyy womanhood. I have an aunt that calls it "the blessing" in direct contradiction to everyone else who calls it "the curse." I get what she means, but talk about feeling six shades of miserable! And reading into things that don't exist... And taking things personally that have nothing to do with me... Bah. I read a book once called The Red Tent and the part that sticks out in my mind the most is that the women all bonded during their periods (of course, they were all on it at the same time) and got to hang out in a neato red tent relaxing and eating exotic foods while waiting for the process to be over and done with. I don't really remember it exactly like that, but how fun if for the time that you're on your period you and your girlfriends could go to a spa or eat at fabulous restaurants (or have the fabulous restaurants come to you if you're too bloated to wear anything besides sweatpants) or really do anything you want to do that's fun and relaxing and allows you to feel the best you can! Let's figure out how to make that happen!
It is better to be beautiful than to be good, but it is better to be good than to be ugly
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Quote by Oscar Wilde.
As I type this, I have green goop on my face in hopes of extracting the dozens of little blackheads that occasionally plauge my existence. Yes, my alarm will go off in seven short hours, yes, I could use a lot more sleep than that tonight, and yes, I'm somewhat impatiently waiting during the 15 minutes before I can wash my face. However, it's either this or claw my face off by trying to pick each individual one out of my skin. Here's a question: after all the advice we read, horror stories we hear, and dozens of bottles in our bathroom cupboards, are we really doing anything other than stressing ourselves out so much that we break out anyway?! Is it worth all the effort? I, like most women, enjoy feeling attractive and pursue feeling that way. From makeup to lotion (with SPF!) to spending time doing the hair you spend money on to ripping out the hair you don't want... "Growing up" has sure rolled in with a lot of extra requirements! I guess the goal should be to feel good about how you look, and focus on looking good for yourself. I think that the attention from others when your confidence makes you glow will be the icing on the cake!
As I type this, I have green goop on my face in hopes of extracting the dozens of little blackheads that occasionally plauge my existence. Yes, my alarm will go off in seven short hours, yes, I could use a lot more sleep than that tonight, and yes, I'm somewhat impatiently waiting during the 15 minutes before I can wash my face. However, it's either this or claw my face off by trying to pick each individual one out of my skin. Here's a question: after all the advice we read, horror stories we hear, and dozens of bottles in our bathroom cupboards, are we really doing anything other than stressing ourselves out so much that we break out anyway?! Is it worth all the effort? I, like most women, enjoy feeling attractive and pursue feeling that way. From makeup to lotion (with SPF!) to spending time doing the hair you spend money on to ripping out the hair you don't want... "Growing up" has sure rolled in with a lot of extra requirements! I guess the goal should be to feel good about how you look, and focus on looking good for yourself. I think that the attention from others when your confidence makes you glow will be the icing on the cake!
The joy of life is made up of obscure and seemingly mundane victories that gives us our own small satisfactions
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
12 days since my last post! Apparently I've been busy! Or lazy... Nothing extraordinarily interesting to report, just work and school as usual except for one thing. That thing is an event that I'm definitely excited for hosted by the salon where I work. It's called Cuts for Mutts and it's on June 8th. The stylists will be cutting hair and the proceeds will go to an organization in the area called Precious Pets Adoption League. I've been working with two women there named Gina and Shawn who are truly amazing people with huge hearts. Their hard work and passion for what they do is inspiring. Speaking of that, I should really write them a thank you note when all this is over! Yeah, I know they're getting a donation, but I think it's nice to know you're appreciated too. So planning for that is keeping me busy but things are falling together really smoothly and I think it will be a success!
Otherwise, I'm enjoying life as an independent woman trying to make the most of everything! Meanwhile, I can't wait for my May 31st plans to go see Sex and the City: The Movie with Lauryn complete with pre-movie cosmos and a post-movie visit to Fuse! Yeah, I know it's two weeks away still but I'm really learning to value close female friendships and that show (and hopefully movie) definitely captured those relationships.
Oh yeah, quote by Billy Joel. Oh, Piano Man.
Otherwise, I'm enjoying life as an independent woman trying to make the most of everything! Meanwhile, I can't wait for my May 31st plans to go see Sex and the City: The Movie with Lauryn complete with pre-movie cosmos and a post-movie visit to Fuse! Yeah, I know it's two weeks away still but I'm really learning to value close female friendships and that show (and hopefully movie) definitely captured those relationships.
Oh yeah, quote by Billy Joel. Oh, Piano Man.
Well, not really. That quote was by an anonymous person and was the only 21st birthday quote I could find. What a great couple of days! I'm so lucky to have wonderful friends to share my birthday with and loved all the fun and fancy drinks I got to try. And yesterday was the first day I got to go to a 21 and up bar so that was fun too! I'm finally part of the club! It's great to grow up and try new things and have a good time but still be young enough to be carefree and not too worried about the consequences of every action. Certainly a unique time in life that sometimes is less than ideal but definitely has its benefits!
Quote by Van Morrison.
I try not to have a negative attitude but sometimes I just have to have a complain-y rant. So here I go:
I apparently need to avoid spending time by myself watching sappy love movies on TV. Of course, nothing happens in reality the way it does in the movies, but it's somewhat depressing anyway. And they make me think about my current relationship state and that is a lot of fun... Long story short (although the only person who reads this blog already knows) I broke up with my boyfriend of three years about two months ago and I am feeling quite sorry for myself today. Of course, the rest of my life is going just fine so I'm inwardly yelling at myself about being one of "those girls" who falls apart when not in a relationship, although I know I'm not a complete mess, it's just one of those days. Also, I keep looking at the guys that are in my life to "evaluate" them in terms of a possible relationship which is silly because I know very well that I won't ever approach anyone since I've always felt that the only people worth trying to have a relationship with were the ones who pursued me first. And I'm no longer in a relationship with the only guy who ever really did that. Bah. So now I have myself fully back in a high school mindset feeling sort of miserable.
To further analyze all of this, I'm probably feeling this way because there is a lot of unknowns looming on the horizon. I only have a year left in college, no idea where I'll be working, no idea where I'll be living, no idea what a "real job" will actually be like, and no relationship. Really there is absolutely nothing stable in my life besides one or two close friends and my immediate family. I crave stability and knowing what's ahead of me! So on the eve of a HUGE life change, I kicked the only person out of my life who was there on a daily basis. Ironically, it was also because of huge life changes since I am about to have mine and he isn't even close to having his. This particular phase in life is not my favorite.
I try not to have a negative attitude but sometimes I just have to have a complain-y rant. So here I go:
I apparently need to avoid spending time by myself watching sappy love movies on TV. Of course, nothing happens in reality the way it does in the movies, but it's somewhat depressing anyway. And they make me think about my current relationship state and that is a lot of fun... Long story short (although the only person who reads this blog already knows) I broke up with my boyfriend of three years about two months ago and I am feeling quite sorry for myself today. Of course, the rest of my life is going just fine so I'm inwardly yelling at myself about being one of "those girls" who falls apart when not in a relationship, although I know I'm not a complete mess, it's just one of those days. Also, I keep looking at the guys that are in my life to "evaluate" them in terms of a possible relationship which is silly because I know very well that I won't ever approach anyone since I've always felt that the only people worth trying to have a relationship with were the ones who pursued me first. And I'm no longer in a relationship with the only guy who ever really did that. Bah. So now I have myself fully back in a high school mindset feeling sort of miserable.
To further analyze all of this, I'm probably feeling this way because there is a lot of unknowns looming on the horizon. I only have a year left in college, no idea where I'll be working, no idea where I'll be living, no idea what a "real job" will actually be like, and no relationship. Really there is absolutely nothing stable in my life besides one or two close friends and my immediate family. I crave stability and knowing what's ahead of me! So on the eve of a HUGE life change, I kicked the only person out of my life who was there on a daily basis. Ironically, it was also because of huge life changes since I am about to have mine and he isn't even close to having his. This particular phase in life is not my favorite.
In spite of or maybe because of being a non-mother, I feel like I have some insight regarding raising children.
1) Make rules.
2) Don't compromise your rules.
Is it that hard? Really? Because dealing with kids whose parents don't do those things is challenging to say the least. I understand wanting the child to have the best of everything, but bending to his or her will at every turn doesn't seem to be the right way to go about doing that. Hopefully I follow my own advice when I become a mother!
Funny title by cartoonist Mell Lazarus.
1) Make rules.
2) Don't compromise your rules.
Is it that hard? Really? Because dealing with kids whose parents don't do those things is challenging to say the least. I understand wanting the child to have the best of everything, but bending to his or her will at every turn doesn't seem to be the right way to go about doing that. Hopefully I follow my own advice when I become a mother!
Funny title by cartoonist Mell Lazarus.
My monster paper is finally done! I feel like I can finally relax. I only have a little bit more to do in terms of school and exams and then I can relax for a few weeks. Yay! But of course, as soon as I have time to relax, I have a to-do list a mile long full of things that I've been putting off. At least there are lots of fun things on it!
As a whole, life is going really well. I think this beautiful Michigan spring is putting me in a much better mood. Finally! It was a long time coming but now that it's here I'm loving it! Being a little more relaxed helps too.
The title/quote is by Henry David Thoreau. I've only ever read one book by him (Walden Pond) and hated it. The quote is pretty good though.
As a whole, life is going really well. I think this beautiful Michigan spring is putting me in a much better mood. Finally! It was a long time coming but now that it's here I'm loving it! Being a little more relaxed helps too.
The title/quote is by Henry David Thoreau. I've only ever read one book by him (Walden Pond) and hated it. The quote is pretty good though.
Wise old Benjamin Franklin. The theme of this post, written a mere 10 days after I wrote my previous post, is about procrastination. Or rather, the fact that I feel like I am procrastinating when I'm really not. Or maybe I am... The point is, the end of the semester is right around the corner and I feel unprepared and rushed, even though I know I will get everything done. My list of things to do during my summer "break" continues to grow and the sheer level of activity is crushing. Bah. Also, the bill for my upcoming classes is astronomical to the point that I'm considering taking only one class at the university and the other one at the community college, which is turning into a huge pain for two reasons. 1) I can't register for the community college class online and 2) Their "online" services stop working at 11:45 pm and don't start up again until 7:00 am. Clearly because no one would want to use said services at night. I thought the point of the internet was that it's available 24/7. I just can't wait until my life slows down enough for me to breathe.
My plan for blog entry title is to use a quote that's somewhat applicable to the topic of my entry. I suppose I should give credit to the people who said the words first. Yesterday's quote was by Albert Einstein, today's is by Oscar Wilde.
In just a few short weeks I will be a member of an exclusive club called 21 and up. I don't really care about the drinking part, but local establishments seem to frown on us babies being out past 9:00. It's putting a big wet blanket on my social life! That was all a semi-sarcastic rant since I'm a little more patient than that. I'm just excited to be able to hang out with friends who are a little older no matter where we go. The other day, my dad offered me a glass of wine (keep in mind, my birthday is about a month away) but my mom said something about it being wrong to offer drinks now after not doing so for so many years. Long story short, my dad thought I was already 21. That was pretty funny.
I got out of work early today. I'm noticing a trend! Maybe this will continue all next week as well. That would be nice. Of course, with all my extra time, I'm not really doing anything productive. I have a huge paper due at the end of the semester that I'm not excited about starting. I'm getting good at finding reasons not to. But, the semester's done in 15 days so just a little more effort and these classes will be over. I'm looking forward to it!
In just a few short weeks I will be a member of an exclusive club called 21 and up. I don't really care about the drinking part, but local establishments seem to frown on us babies being out past 9:00. It's putting a big wet blanket on my social life! That was all a semi-sarcastic rant since I'm a little more patient than that. I'm just excited to be able to hang out with friends who are a little older no matter where we go. The other day, my dad offered me a glass of wine (keep in mind, my birthday is about a month away) but my mom said something about it being wrong to offer drinks now after not doing so for so many years. Long story short, my dad thought I was already 21. That was pretty funny.
I got out of work early today. I'm noticing a trend! Maybe this will continue all next week as well. That would be nice. Of course, with all my extra time, I'm not really doing anything productive. I have a huge paper due at the end of the semester that I'm not excited about starting. I'm getting good at finding reasons not to. But, the semester's done in 15 days so just a little more effort and these classes will be over. I'm looking forward to it!
So this is my first blog entry. Well, not first ever, because I've had several unsuccessful starts in the past, but hopefully this one sticks! I think it will be nice to get my thoughts out on "paper" every once in a while.
So here I go: Today was a good day. Good thing #1: I was done with my tasks at work early today so I got to go home early. Good thing #2: Because I got home early, I had time to take a nap (yay!) Good thing #3: I ate a delicious meal that I actually took the time to prepare. Give me a moment to go off on a tangent. When you have no one else to cook for, you eat like crap. Why? Why can't we love/care for/do things for ourselves as much as we love/care for/do things for others? So, thank you Lauryn, you helped me eat a good dinner tonight! Good (great) thing #4: Spent time with my wonderful friend Lauryn which always involves great conversation and lots of laughing! Good thing #5: Ice cream. I have been craving it for days and I finally had some tonight. Delicious.
I think the moral of this story is that if I just take time to notice the little things in my life that are good, I will have a much more positive outlook on life. Hopefully this blog helps me to do that!
So here I go: Today was a good day. Good thing #1: I was done with my tasks at work early today so I got to go home early. Good thing #2: Because I got home early, I had time to take a nap (yay!) Good thing #3: I ate a delicious meal that I actually took the time to prepare. Give me a moment to go off on a tangent. When you have no one else to cook for, you eat like crap. Why? Why can't we love/care for/do things for ourselves as much as we love/care for/do things for others? So, thank you Lauryn, you helped me eat a good dinner tonight! Good (great) thing #4: Spent time with my wonderful friend Lauryn which always involves great conversation and lots of laughing! Good thing #5: Ice cream. I have been craving it for days and I finally had some tonight. Delicious.
I think the moral of this story is that if I just take time to notice the little things in my life that are good, I will have a much more positive outlook on life. Hopefully this blog helps me to do that!
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