Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Quote by Oscar Wilde.

I am not the fashion police, but I really have to comment on something I saw the other day in Subway. I was leaving work and decided to be too lazy to make dinner at home, so I stopped at a Subway on my way home. I stood in line waiting for the couple ahead of me to finish the ordering and paying process. The female half of the couple was somewhat overweight, wearing skin-tight jeans exposing a massive muffin top that was very visible through her bright pink halter top with a hood. Yes, you read that correctly. Halter top with a hood. Which was actually on her head. So try to mentally imagine this: Muffin top + lots of back skin exposed + hood on head + shocking pink halter top. So here's my piece of advice: I know we all don't look like supermodels however dress in a way that's actually flattering to your body! Please!