The best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Quote by Oscar Wilde.

Today is the official last day of my internship at an automotive company in the area. First of all, it made me really not want to work in an office because of all the extremely negative people that work there. As I was explaining this to Amber, the administrative assistant for the program that got me the internship to begin with, she mentioned that since it's an automotive company everyone probably fears for their job security on a daily basis. I thought that was a pretty good point but I still have a hard time dealing with extreme negativity. So I was expecting it to be torture because they haven't done the best job at finding projects for me to do, and they didn't want me to step into the middle of someone else's project only to leave a few weeks later. But when I walked in and talked to the manager, it turned out she had a project for me to do that took almost the whole day! I'm someone who needs to be really busy to be happy so I'm glad that today turned out the way it did. Even better, no one seemed to be as irritated with work as they usually are. I'm also pleased that I ended on a positive note with some solid accomplishments because the director of my program counts on companies to continuously sponsor students, so leaving a good impression is really important.

On another note, I start my final year of undergrad in 20 days! I'm excited to be done with school be also apprehensive about the future (details of which are a huge mystery, as usual). I have felt more like an adult than ever this year - kind of scary!

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