Constant repetition carries conviction

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Quote by Robert Collier.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record... Here's the latest about the condo/apartment/living situation. Because you're not sick of hearing about it yet. After the wedding ring saga, I've pretty much decided to move by July 31st if not (much) earlier. Everyone who I've talked to about the whole thing has been really supportive and "on my side." So I'm going to call my realtor tomorrow and withdraw my purchase agreement for the condo, which makes me kind of sad but seems necessary especially given the potential difficulty I may have reselling it next year if I have to move, and the fact that there is a higher offer pending as well.

I've decided to move into the Northridge Apartments in Rochester Hills. It's pretty close to school and centrally located to expressways and shopping. Also, it's decently close to work and actually about a mile and a half north of my old apartment and therefore close to things like the doctors and dentist that I found when I first moved to the area.

Overall, I guess I'm just relieved that I've made a decision and I can finally start moving in a direction with all of this. It's really too bad that everything turned out this way but I just keep telling myself that things happen for a reason.

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