We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths

Monday, July 14, 2008
Quote by Walt Disney.

Anticipating my impending change of residence, I am starting to pack my things slowly but surely. I'm waiting for the final decision from the bank on whether or not I get the condo, and until then I can't make any other plans. Waiting around is irritating since being in this house is driving me nuts! Plus I'm really not a fan of moving and I'm definitely not a fan of knowing nothing about where I'll be living in two weeks.

Negativity aside, I'm so excited that I'll be living alone again! You don't really value your alone time until it's non-existent!

Also, thank god for my wonderful boyfriend who's so perfect for me it's ridiculous. Spending a ton of time with him has seriously saved me the past three weeks. I'm having so much fun that it's pretty easy to stay positive most of the time! The other day we went to the Magic Bag in Ferndale and saw a pretty awesome band called Pistol Day Parade. Check them out! The headliner that night was Fifth Way. Definitely worth a listen too!

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