Only the female half of humanity was seen to have the magical ability to bleed profusely and still rise phoenix-like each month...

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Weird quote by Estelle Ramey.

This episode of That Time of the Month has come complete with wicked cramps, bloating, plummeting self-esteem, increased skin "issues," and overall irritability. Yayyyy womanhood. I have an aunt that calls it "the blessing" in direct contradiction to everyone else who calls it "the curse." I get what she means, but talk about feeling six shades of miserable! And reading into things that don't exist... And taking things personally that have nothing to do with me... Bah. I read a book once called The Red Tent and the part that sticks out in my mind the most is that the women all bonded during their periods (of course, they were all on it at the same time) and got to hang out in a neato red tent relaxing and eating exotic foods while waiting for the process to be over and done with. I don't really remember it exactly like that, but how fun if for the time that you're on your period you and your girlfriends could go to a spa or eat at fabulous restaurants (or have the fabulous restaurants come to you if you're too bloated to wear anything besides sweatpants) or really do anything you want to do that's fun and relaxing and allows you to feel the best you can! Let's figure out how to make that happen!

1 comment:

Lauryn said...

Not posting much lately? What are YOU up to!?!? hehe.