Constant repetition carries conviction

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Quote by Robert Collier.

At the risk of sounding like a broken record... Here's the latest about the condo/apartment/living situation. Because you're not sick of hearing about it yet. After the wedding ring saga, I've pretty much decided to move by July 31st if not (much) earlier. Everyone who I've talked to about the whole thing has been really supportive and "on my side." So I'm going to call my realtor tomorrow and withdraw my purchase agreement for the condo, which makes me kind of sad but seems necessary especially given the potential difficulty I may have reselling it next year if I have to move, and the fact that there is a higher offer pending as well.

I've decided to move into the Northridge Apartments in Rochester Hills. It's pretty close to school and centrally located to expressways and shopping. Also, it's decently close to work and actually about a mile and a half north of my old apartment and therefore close to things like the doctors and dentist that I found when I first moved to the area.

Overall, I guess I'm just relieved that I've made a decision and I can finally start moving in a direction with all of this. It's really too bad that everything turned out this way but I just keep telling myself that things happen for a reason.

Act nothing in a furious passion; it's putting to sea in a storm

Monday, July 21, 2008
Quote by Thomas Fuller.

I've kept you pretty up to date regarding my living situation so far, but something has happened that is really the icing on the cake. I received a phone call from my "landlady" yesterday when I was at my parents' house to celebrate my mom's birthday. She informed me that her diamond ring went missing and asked me if I could ask my boyfriend, D, if he took it. She said she is "beside herself" about it and that she "hates to ask" but he is the only person she can think to blame at this point. A little while later, she called back to tell me that she was filing a police report and at 5:30, I got a phone call from Deputy Bianchi to discuss what had happened. I was told that rings don't just disappear and that no charges would be pressed if the ring showed up some time this week, that Kelly just wants it back. Deputy Bianchi said that "it's not looking good" for D since he looks like the one with the most opportunity and since Kelly said to Deputy Bianchi that she was sure I didn't take it. I told the deputy that I had as much or more opportunity as D and that Kelly couldn't be sure I didn't take it. The bottom line is that the ring can't just show up if no one took it, and D is going to get dragged through the mud for this and there's nothing I can do.

I am so furious I can hardly breathe.

We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths

Monday, July 14, 2008
Quote by Walt Disney.

Anticipating my impending change of residence, I am starting to pack my things slowly but surely. I'm waiting for the final decision from the bank on whether or not I get the condo, and until then I can't make any other plans. Waiting around is irritating since being in this house is driving me nuts! Plus I'm really not a fan of moving and I'm definitely not a fan of knowing nothing about where I'll be living in two weeks.

Negativity aside, I'm so excited that I'll be living alone again! You don't really value your alone time until it's non-existent!

Also, thank god for my wonderful boyfriend who's so perfect for me it's ridiculous. Spending a ton of time with him has seriously saved me the past three weeks. I'm having so much fun that it's pretty easy to stay positive most of the time! The other day we went to the Magic Bag in Ferndale and saw a pretty awesome band called Pistol Day Parade. Check them out! The headliner that night was Fifth Way. Definitely worth a listen too!

Home is an invention on which no one has yet improved

Thursday, July 10, 2008
Quote by Ann Douglas.

Rereading that last post makes me feel like... a total cheeseball. Oh well.

In new news, I've made an offer on a condo subject to short sale which means that I am getting a ridiculously good deal. A short sale is basically the step before foreclosure, which makes me feel bad for the current owner but what a great opportunity for me! The offer has to go through the bank and I'm sort of wondering how long that will take but the realtor told them I want to close by the 31st so we'll see! My parents are being fantastic and are helping me out in a big way, which means that I'm going to have a very flexible loan agreement. I'm so excited but I can't wait to see if the bank takes my offer. I keep trying to remind myself I don't have it quite yet, so I can't get too excited, but it's hard to stay detached. There are only a couple downsides to impending home ownership: 1) I have no furniture of any kind 2) I have to buy the washer and dryer from the current owner 3) the furnace/air conditioner (yes, it's the same unit) is 22 years old and will die at any moment and will have to be replaced. However, there are about 1 million great things about the condo like the layout, the paint colors, the flooring, the new appliances, etc. etc. etc. What an exciting new experience!

You can't blame gravity for falling in love

Sunday, July 6, 2008
Quote by Albert Einstein

I am head over heels for a man that I met for the first time a month ago today. It's strange for someone like me, who's used to being logical and thinking things through. Acting mostly on emotion is not something I do often but it happened, and I'm enjoying every minute of it. I feel lucky and special and all sorts of other things that you're supposed to feel in a relationship. Being with him is so unbelievably easy. Wow. I don't know how it can get better than this.

And homeless near a thousand homes I stood, and near a thousand tables pined and wanted food

Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Quote by William Wordsworth.

I'm not exactly "homeless," but I sure feel as close to it as I would ever want to! The whole situation is that I was invited into a pretty generous but also mutually beneficial situation that involved me renting/house sitting for a coworker. I paid $600 per month, no utilities except cable and internet, and in exchange I took care of the house and some of the yard work. Unfortunately, the owners of the house and their 7-year-old came home for a "visit" that is actually permanent because there is another baby on the way. So a seven-week visit (which seemed ridiculously long to me anyway) turns into permanent and now I have to find a new place to live. They said I could stay as long as I wanted (even until I graduate in May), but that seemed like a really long time to stay in a home with another family. I was fine with finding a place before school started and didn't feel like I was in a huge hurry until today, when I found out that I will be paying exactly the same amount of rent as I was when I was here all by myself! I don't love using swear words in my blog, but I think this is bullshit. I'm so annoyed/stressed that all of these little facts are leaking out drop by drop that I want to scream. So my "casual" move-out-in-two-months feeling has now changed to a hectic find-a-place-as-soon-as-possible feeling. My parents threw around the idea of investing in a condo that I could live in but at this point I'm so stressed out with everything that I just want to find a cute apartment with a one-year lease and curl up in a ball inside it. I want to feel like I have some degree of control over my life!