If at first, the idea is not absurd, then there is no hope for it

Friday, March 28, 2008
So this is my first blog entry. Well, not first ever, because I've had several unsuccessful starts in the past, but hopefully this one sticks! I think it will be nice to get my thoughts out on "paper" every once in a while.

So here I go: Today was a good day. Good thing #1: I was done with my tasks at work early today so I got to go home early. Good thing #2: Because I got home early, I had time to take a nap (yay!) Good thing #3: I ate a delicious meal that I actually took the time to prepare. Give me a moment to go off on a tangent. When you have no one else to cook for, you eat like crap. Why? Why can't we love/care for/do things for ourselves as much as we love/care for/do things for others? So, thank you Lauryn, you helped me eat a good dinner tonight! Good (great) thing #4: Spent time with my wonderful friend Lauryn which always involves great conversation and lots of laughing! Good thing #5: Ice cream. I have been craving it for days and I finally had some tonight. Delicious.

I think the moral of this story is that if I just take time to notice the little things in my life that are good, I will have a much more positive outlook on life. Hopefully this blog helps me to do that!

1 comment:

Lauryn said...

Welcome! I am so happy that you have joined in the blogging fun! Our blogs are going to be snazzy and fabulous before we know it :)