Evermore in the world is this marvelous balance of beauty and disgust, magnificence and rats

Thursday, August 28, 2008
Quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson.

In the interest of making my things last longer to therefore save money by not replacing them, I decided to clean my vacuum. I initially thought I would just be removing the dirt collector and rinsing it out. I was very wrong. Apparently there are layers upon layers of filters and compartments in my vacuum that I didn't even know existed. All of the filters and components were also caked with dirt and dust and carpet fuzz to varying degrees. It was just plain disgusting. My favorite part was the bug carcasses. So now I have my vacuum completely torn apart with the sections I washed drying on some paper towel on my kitchen counter. All I have to say is that my vacuum better work so much more amazing than it did before I cleaned it. That was definitely one of the grossest things I've ever had to do, right up there with cleaning out a drain. However, the drain cleaning adventure actually made me gag and was accompanied by my dad laughing at me on the phone while I was freaking out as he walked me through the best way to take apart the sink.

A good friend is cheaper than therapy

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Tonight I had the pleasure of being in the company of two of my best girlfriends for delicious Mexican food and drinks. It's so fun to catch up with friends to share stories and experiences. The three of us are pretty close to the same age but are in various stages in life and relationships so it's nice to be able to "compare notes."

But yay for the tequila in margaritas... I'm definitely a barley and hops girl! It probably doesn't help a whole lot that I had a tummy ache earlier. I have a sensitive stomach and I really have to watch it sometimes.

On September 13th the three of us and our men are going to have a fantastic couples' evening involving appetizers, dessert, and drinks. I'm so excited!

Now back to creating a playlist for my MySpace! Wow... Tequila makes me a scattered blogger!

Academic qualifications are important and so is financial education

Monday, August 25, 2008
Quote by Robert Kiyosaki.

I just read an incredible book called Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki (yes, the very author whose quote I'm using as a title today!) The book is about personal finances but before my reader(s), haha, fall asleep, I just have to say that it is very well written to the point of being entertaining while offering incredible insight into how to change your personal perceptions of money. It is one of the only books I have read recently that I highly, highly recommend. For a quick summary, it's basically about making your money work hard for you rather than you working hard for money. Yes, investing is involved, but more importantly, Kiyosaki stresses education. He explains that as soon as you really learn about investing whether in real estate, the stock market, etc. it becomes less risky and more common sense. In many cases, it appears that the most risk arises from lack of knowledge. Read this book because even if you don't use every principle mentioned on its pages, the perspective shift will really surprise you.

Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months

Thursday, August 21, 2008
Quote by Oscar Wilde.

I am not the fashion police, but I really have to comment on something I saw the other day in Subway. I was leaving work and decided to be too lazy to make dinner at home, so I stopped at a Subway on my way home. I stood in line waiting for the couple ahead of me to finish the ordering and paying process. The female half of the couple was somewhat overweight, wearing skin-tight jeans exposing a massive muffin top that was very visible through her bright pink halter top with a hood. Yes, you read that correctly. Halter top with a hood. Which was actually on her head. So try to mentally imagine this: Muffin top + lots of back skin exposed + hood on head + shocking pink halter top. So here's my piece of advice: I know we all don't look like supermodels however dress in a way that's actually flattering to your body! Please!

The best way to appreciate your job is to imagine yourself without one

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Quote by Oscar Wilde.

Today is the official last day of my internship at an automotive company in the area. First of all, it made me really not want to work in an office because of all the extremely negative people that work there. As I was explaining this to Amber, the administrative assistant for the program that got me the internship to begin with, she mentioned that since it's an automotive company everyone probably fears for their job security on a daily basis. I thought that was a pretty good point but I still have a hard time dealing with extreme negativity. So I was expecting it to be torture because they haven't done the best job at finding projects for me to do, and they didn't want me to step into the middle of someone else's project only to leave a few weeks later. But when I walked in and talked to the manager, it turned out she had a project for me to do that took almost the whole day! I'm someone who needs to be really busy to be happy so I'm glad that today turned out the way it did. Even better, no one seemed to be as irritated with work as they usually are. I'm also pleased that I ended on a positive note with some solid accomplishments because the director of my program counts on companies to continuously sponsor students, so leaving a good impression is really important.

On another note, I start my final year of undergrad in 20 days! I'm excited to be done with school be also apprehensive about the future (details of which are a huge mystery, as usual). I have felt more like an adult than ever this year - kind of scary!

Those things that hurt, instruct

Friday, August 8, 2008
Quote by Benjamin Franklin.

I was minding my own business in Kroger yesterday, in a little bit of a hurry to get home. I was cruising pretty quickly down the the frozen foods section to get to the registers. I didn't notice a small puddle on the floor until my left flip-flop slid way out in front of me, forcing me to go down pretty hard on my right knee. First of all, I hate falling and I hate the idea of falling and I hate the feeling of falling. It just seems really embarrassing and to tell the story to other people later makes you sound like your 93 and you didn't use your walker correctly. Ok, so I sort of fell/slipped but I didn't spill anything out of my purse or my grocery basket or anything, so I was sort of impressed with my "natural" grace and ability not to completely humiliate myself. However, my knee hurt really really bad because I already had a scab on it from another incident (not worth mentioning here, haha). I stood up and there was blood on the floor and blood dripping down my leg. Of course I had no tissues in my purse so I was trying to use my grocery list to mop up the majority of it, which basically just smeared it all over my leg. I hobbled to the checkout and informed the person behind the register that there was water in the isle and she sent someone to clean it up. She rang up all my items and then my grocery list stopped being an even passable tissue so I asked for paper towel, which was not a whole lot better since it was the brown elementary school stuff that does not dry anything. So I eventually got myself home and all bandaged up and then went to go babysit.

The little girl I babysit is a little over 2 1/2 and has her days when she's awful but also her days when she's really cute. After her nap and her snack, she was zooming around and noticed that I had a Band-Aid on my knee and the rest of the old scab (the part that didn't explode all over Kroger) visible above the Band-Aid. She's sort of dramatic sometimes so she gasped and said, "You got a boo boo! That's terrible! Here, I kiss it and it feel better!" So she kissed it and asked if it felt better, then offered me her juice and said drinking it would make me feel better, and then informed me that I needed a Band-Aid and some cream (I'm assuming antibacterial cream or something that her mom puts on her boo boos.) Adorable. And pretty much almost worth getting hurt.

Certainly there are good and bad times, but our mood changes more often than our fortune

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Quote by Jules Renard.

I know I haven't posted in a million days, but I've had a good excuse. I moved into an apartment! There have been some issues regarding the leasing office staff and their questionable job aptitude, but I know how to be annoying enough to get my way in the end. Haha. I have my pictures hung and the majority of my things put away so that definitely makes me feel more at ease. One snag has been that the apartment is handicap accessible which would be great if I was in a wheelchair. Also, this was a secret until I stepped into the apartment for the first time. This basically means that I'm missing a couple cabinets in the kitchen and bathroom, I have an elevated toilet seat, and I have support bars by the toilet and in the shower. I'm going to have maintenance replace the toilet seat and hopefully take out the support bars. The woman I talked to today apologized all over the place and told me I should never have even been offered this apartment, but I'm moved in, my address is changed everywhere, it's only for a year and a half, and I'll be on to bigger and better things soon. Think temporary!

I've been spending lots of time with D which has been amazing, other than I wanted more "alone time" with him over the weekend and didn't get it, and in discussing our schedules this week we discovered that this will be the first week we don't see each other at least every other day. I am aware that I've been spoiled, but circumstances allowed us to spend a lot of time together. In addition to that, the next time we see each other will be at a softball game in which he is playing after I babysit on Thursday. The game starts at 9:50 and will go until about 11:00, then he'll need to go to bed immediately because he has to work at 7:00 AM near Metro Airport. The next time we see each other will maybe be Saturday night, but probably won't be until Sunday sometime when we get to hang out with his family all day. Meanwhile, one of my favorite things to do with him is lay in bed and watch TV because we can talk and snuggle and just be together. So needless to say, I'm a little disappointed in how this week is going to turn out.

To make matters slightly worse, I've not been in a great mood the last couple of days. I just started taking The Pill again last week and I'm thinking it might be affecting me in a not-so-good way, just like when I was on it before. At this point I don't think it's as bad as the other brand I was on before (since I was careful to tell my GYN I wanted a different one) but I do not enjoy feeling blah and a medium level of sad-ish for days at a time. I guess I will give it till the end of the month to make my decision, but in the meantime, good luck to those who have to put up with me! Here's an example of what sort of fun, blown-out-of-proportion feelings I have: I went grocery shopping today after work (at about 8:45) and I wanted to get some Ben and Jerry's Half Baked ice cream. I finished getting most of the items on my list (of course I forgot one) and I went to the ice cream isle to pick up my little carton of deliciousness. Kroger had many other Ben and Jerry's flavors fully stocked but no Half Baked at all. I became pissed off that I had to choose a different flavor and actually considered going to a different grocery store. 1) Who cares if they didn't have a flavor I wanted since I don't need to eat any ice cream anyway, 2) Being pissed off about ice cream is a ridiculous overreaction and 3) Who drives to a completely different grocery store to get one unnecessary item unless they are pregnant? Which I'm not. I'm on The Pill. Or maybe this is all moodiness caused by stress from moving and unpacking and working and the never-ending to-do list etc. etc. etc. Hopefully a normal sleep schedule will cure it all!